Chen Beiguo became impatient.

He couldn't hit a woman, he could only hit Chen Shulan's man.

Lin Jiandong: ...

This mother-in-law will really cause trouble for him.

If I didn't see it, I made everyone angry, and I'm still here to force Lai Lai.

He is weak in front of Leng Yuan.

But in front of his own wife, he was not soft at all.

He didn't wait for Chen Beiguo to make a move on him, he slapped Chen Shulan's face directly, and spoke viciously.

"shut up."

Chen Shulan's eyes widened with disbelief on her face.

"You dare to hit me!"

Lin Jiandong's family is extremely poor, his father passed away early, and his mother is the only one to support the children. It is good enough to have enough to eat, let alone marry a wife.

It was she who saw that he was honest and honest, and married him without asking for a gift.

Just to see that he doesn't hit women.

But today, Lin Jiandong actually hit her.

She went up to scratch Lin Jiandong's face, and scratched flowers for him.

Lin Jiandong is a man, and men are stronger than women.

With a strong shake, he shook off Chen Shulan, with a gloomy and terrifying expression.

"That's enough, if you make a fuss again, I will beat you to death."

Seeing Lin Jiandong's gloomy face, Chen Shulan flinched!
This expression is exactly the same as when his father beat her mother and her every time.

Chen Shulan was afraid, she shrank aside and was honest.

Chen Shulan just felt uncomfortable, so she cursed Tian Niu a few times to vent her anger.

But Tian Niu lowered her head and carefully wiped her tears because of Chen Shulan's poking scar.

Everyone couldn't bear to see it.

Turning her head and looking at Chen Shulan, her eyes were like knives.

Chen Shulan turned her face away, pretending she didn't see it!

Crowd: ...

They are so mad, they really want to hit someone!

Gu Jiaojiao stroked Tianniu's little head, and suddenly spoke.

"Who said that Tianniu and Xiaoyang are not wanted, I want to adopt them, village head, captain, please give me a certificate."

"What? You want to adopt Tian Niu and Xiao Yang?"

Chen Beiguo subconsciously glanced at Leng Yuan.

"She's in charge."

Chen Beiguo: ...

He looked away immediately.

She looked at Gu Jiaojiao again.

"You're only eighteen, sweet girl is already thirteen, how do you adopt her?"

At her age, she couldn't adopt Tian Niu as her daughter.

Gu Jiaojiao looked at her man.

A good man is a man who can solve problems.

Leng Yuan spoke directly.

"I can take Tianniu and Xiaoyang as adopted daughters and adopted sons on behalf of my parents."

Everyone was stunned.

"A righteous daughter and a righteous son?"


Tianniu's parents loved their two children very much, and starved to death in order to protect them from surviving.

They didn't want to change their surnames, and they didn't want them to forget their parents.

The adopted daughter and adopted son are just right.

Chen Beiguo instantly understood Leng Yuan's thoughts, but he still asked one more question.

"you sure?"

Although Leng Yuan is capable and lives a little better, it is not an easy task to suddenly have to raise two children.

Leng Yuan nodded.

"I'm sure."

Tianniu and Xiaoyang didn't expect Gu Jiaojiao and Leng Yuan to adopt them.

Don't interfere with them missing their parents.

Sweet girl laughed, smiled and laughed, and suddenly cried.

"Sister, I will be obedient in the future."

She vowed that in the future, she must do more and eat less, and help her sister pick more saponins.

I will never drag my sister down.

Tian Niu wiped away her tears, then turned to look at Xiao Yang.

Xiao Yang blinked a pair of pitch-black eyes, and tightly held Gu Jiaojiao's palm, her eyes were dependent.

Her brother stopped talking after his parents left, but Tian Niu could tell that her brother was very happy.

Gu Jiaojiao rubbed the heads of the two of them, they were both good boys.

The team leader immediately wrote two certificates.

One releases the adoption relationship between the Lin family and Tian Niu.

One is the proof that Tianniu and Xiaoyang's household registration is on Leng Yuan and Gu Jiaojiao's household registration book.

In fact, it’s okay not to settle down.

But considering that Tianniu and Xiaoyang will go to school in the future, it will be very troublesome if guardians are not included in one household registration book.

Whatever you want to do at that time, you need to come to the brigade to issue a certificate.

Anyway, it's just a combination of account books, which doesn't hinder anything.

In the future, if Tian Niu wants to take her account out, she will not disagree.

Lin Jiandong watched the development of the matter.

He was silent for a while, and finally understood.

"No wonder you make such a fuss. It turned out that it was for the house. Well, I knew you were not that kind. You still have the face to say that you are also for the house, aren't you?"

He was aggressive, he finally found someone like him, and he wanted everyone to know about it.

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