"shut up."

Chen Beiguo frowned.

Lin Jiandong was not convinced.

"Captain, you can't be so partial. Leng Yuan misses the house, so you protect him. I miss the house and it will be beaten like this."

Bullying honest people is not like bullying.

For a moment, Chen Beiguo didn't know how to explain it!
He naturally knew that with Leng Yuan's ability, he would not be so rare about Tian Niu's house.

But in the Qingshan Brigade, Leng Yuan belonged to a pauper who owed a lot of foreign debts and hadn't paid off. Now that he wants to adopt a sweet girl, it is really easy to be suspected.

As Leng Yuan's little fan, Chen Jianshe was the first to speak out.

"Fuck you, my brother Leng won't covet a little girl's house, you think everyone else is as shameless as you."

Zhao Tiezhu also nodded.

"I also believe that Leng Yuan is not that kind of person."

There are those who believe in Leng Yuan, but very few.

Everyone suspected that Leng Yuan was thinking about Tian Niu's house, otherwise he would be so kind.

They knew that Leng Yuan's father owed a lot of foreign debts when he died, and they didn't know if they had paid them off.

At the beginning, I owed more than 800 yuan, and Leng Yuan's monthly salary was 25. Two years' salary, without eating or drinking, was only more than 500 yuan, which was not enough to pay off the foreign debt.

In addition, when Leng Yuan and Gu Jiaojiao received their certificates, they had new clothes and watches. They suspected Leng Yuan's foreign debts and hadn't repaid them at all.

Everyone thought about it and had all kinds of doubts.

Gu Jiaojiao didn't even blink her eyes.

"Captain, it's better for the brigade to issue a certificate. Regarding the house left by Tianniu's parents, it will be owned by Tianniu and Xiaoyang in the future. Others have no inheritance rights. If the two children have an accident, the house will belong to the brigade."

"That way you don't have to worry about anyone thinking about Sweetie's house."

Chen Beiguo felt that this method was good, so he immediately agreed.


Chen Beiguo knew that Leng Yuan and Gu Jiaojiao were no strangers.

And in order to shut up these people as soon as possible.

Without hesitation, a certificate was written quickly.

After finishing writing, let all the cadres of the brigade sign it, and let Tian Niu and Xiao Yang sign it.

Two people will not sign, just press their fingerprints.

Crowd: ...

Shut up!
There is nothing to say now.

This house has nothing to do with Leng Yuan and Gu Jiaojiao anyway.

So what are they trying to do?
Many people can't understand it.

These days, I live a tight life, and no one will adopt children.

There is a family in the village. The eldest brother is gone, and the younger brother is not even willing to take care of the nephew. That is a grain of rice that does not want to be cheap for others!

Leng Yuan and Gu Jiaojiao want to adopt two unrelated children, what are they trying to do!
Tian Niu looked at the certificate handed to her eyes, pursed her lips, and didn't move.

"Sister, I don't want to sign this or that house. I want to give it to you. I know you treat me well."

Tian Niu suddenly made a sound.

Everyone: They already know that Leng Yuan and Gu Jiaojiao are for the house!

They were just about to speak.

Gu Jiaojiao pinched Tianniu's finger and pressed her handprint on it, and Xiaoyang did the same.

Crowd: ...

Just shut up!
After the certificate was signed, Gu Jiaojiao accepted two copies.

One is for Tian Niu and the other is for Xiao Yang.

This kind of certificate is like this, several people sign and press fingerprints, that is, several copies.

This way you don't have to be afraid of losing it.

The adoption certificates are ready, Gu Jiaojiao suggested.

"In this way, we can't wait for the snow to come. Let's go to the commune together to get the household registration done."

The captain nodded: "Yes."

After speaking, he looked at Lin Jiandong.

How dare Lin Jiandong have problems.

What's more, the house is gone. He just keeps the adoption relationship, and the house has nothing to do with him.

Thinking about it this way, I can't wait to terminate the relationship immediately.


The adoption relationship has been settled, and the time has been agreed, and the next step is the issue of compensation.

Gu Jiaojiao was not polite at all this time.

"Captain, apart from what belongs to Tian Niu, the Lin family has to return it to Tian Niu, and Tian Niu's injuries must be compensated."

"Five yuan, two catties of eggs, and two catties of flour."

"Also, if they burned the firewood from Tianniu's house, they had to add it back, and if they took the food from Tianniu's house, they had to return all of it."

Lin Jiandong trembled.

He only distributed ten catties of fine grains, and he couldn't bear it. Now he has to pay Tian Niu, but he disagrees.

The captain glanced at Lin Jiandong and knew what he was going to do.

"If you don't agree, report it!"

Lin Jiandong: ...

In the end, the team leader directly made the decision, and compensated according to the care Jiaojiao said.

Lin Jiandong didn't dare to report the crime, so he had to grit his teeth and admit it.

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