Chapter 312

Female educated youths can be regarded as seeing what it means to be shameless.

After Li Hongmei finished speaking, she stopped crying.

Thinking of being able to eat, I still want to laugh.

None of the female educated youths said anything, ignoring Li Hongmei.

Anyway, they won't take Li Hongmei with them tomorrow.

The male educated youth side also had the same picture.

Especially Xue Changping, he was injured, if Leng Yuan hadn't come in time, he didn't know if his life could be saved.

He knew that Li Fenggu was going to eat, so he couldn't help but speak.

"Fenggu, I want to go with you tomorrow. I haven't thanked Leng Yuan for the wild boar incident last time. I don't know if it's convenient."

Xue Changping's injury just recovered, and he caught up with Leng Yuan to treat guests. His family background is good, and he had already prepared things.

Li Fenggu had no objection.

The other educated youths looked ashamed.

Leng Yuan had saved them for several days, but they never thought of thanking Leng Yuan.

Thinking about Leng Yuan treating guests to dinner, they didn't invite them, they also wanted to send something to have fun, so they can come later and skip dinner.

So he followed suit.

"Then let's go together!"

"Just so everyone can thank Leng Yuan together."

"But there are so many of us, so we won't eat, and we will come back after delivering something."

Li Fenggu didn't refuse either: "Yes."

There were more than a dozen people in the dormitory, only Yun Hao and Hu Ziqiang did not speak.

After being silent for a while, Yun Hao also spoke.

"Then let's go too, and we plan to give something away. Let's share the money equally."

Crowd: ...

It's okay for others to go, but Yun Hao goes, which is a bit strange.

Everyone in the educated youth circle knew about Gu Jiaojiao's pursuit of Yun Hao before. Now that Gu Jiaojiao finally married Leng Yuan, who knows if the old relationship will rekindle after Yun Hao passes away.

What if some joke happens!
Li Fenggu couldn't help reminding.

"Yunhao, what do you want to give, we will take it there for you."

This is already a very straightforward reminder.

Yun Hao heard it all at once, and he also knew that he shouldn't go, but he just wanted to.

"No need, since everyone is going together, it's inappropriate for me not to go, after all, Leng Yuan saved me that day."

Seeing that Yun Hao was going, Hu Ziqiang followed suit.

"Yes, we have to thank you too."

Everyone has gone, and he doesn't go by himself, it's too ugly.

Crowd: ...

Others may go because they really want to thank Leng Yuan, but Yun Hao and Hu Ziqiang go, it doesn't look like revenge, but revenge.

But they are not qualified to prevent people from going.

This is difficult.

Xue Changping even spoke directly.

"Yunhao, the previous relationship between you and Gu Jiaojiao, it's not good to go now!"

Yun Hao frowned: "Changping, Gu Jiaojiao is already married, so don't talk nonsense, I have nothing to do with her."

Xue Changping: ...

Yun Hao thought for a while, and added another sentence.

"If this sentence reaches Leng Yuan's ears and is misunderstood, it will cause big trouble for Gu Jiaojiao."

Xue Changping: ...

No, you know you will be misunderstood, and you are still rushing, isn't this sick?

But at the beginning Yunhao and Gu Jiaojiao really didn't say anything in front of everyone, it was really difficult for him to refute this sentence.

the next day.

Everyone at the educated youth spot got up.

All in new clothes.

Chen Ruoyu was surprised, and approached Li Fenggu.

"what's going on?"

Li Fenggu didn't hide it either: "The male educated youth wants to thank Leng Yuan, so he wants to go together to say thanks."

"It's the same with our female educated youths. How about this, I'll go help first and tell Jiaojiao that you will take someone there later."

Li Fenggu also felt that this was the safest way, otherwise Leng Yuan and Gu Jiaojiao would be caught off guard and it would be a mess.

"Alright, then you go early, I'll tell them, and you tell the female educated youth."

(End of this chapter)

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