Chapter 311

For the educated youth, Leng Yuan told Li Fenggu and Chen Ruoyu about the treat in advance.

Chen Ruoyu packed up her things and was going to help early the next day.

Before the wild boar broke into the educated youth spot, if Leng Yuan hadn't saved everyone, they might all be in danger. She must thank Leng Yuan and Gu Jiaojiao.

Seeing what Chen Ruoyu had prepared, Li Hongmei couldn't help but speak.

"Ruoyu, this pair of pillow covers is not cheap!"

There is no secret in a dormitory, Li Hongmei looked at the pair of pillow covers prepared by Chen Ruoyu, and couldn't help being surprised.

She had seen it at the supply and marketing agency before, and this pair of pillow covers cost more than two yuan, which Chen Ruoyu was really willing to part with.

Besides, these days, being able to send a pillow towel represents a good relationship.

Chen Ruoyu and Gu Jiaojiao haven't talked a few times, when did they get along so well?
Chen Ruoyu didn't raise her head.

"This is not what happened to the wild boar last time. I haven't had time to thank Leng Yuan and Gu Jiaojiao. This time I plan to send more things to express my heart."

Li Hongmei was a little disdainful, and said directly.

"It's true that Leng Yuan killed the wild boar, and he didn't kill it in vain. Didn't he share more pork!"

"Speaking of it, he still took advantage."

Chen Ruoyu is usually capable and straightforward.

Hearing this, he threw the towel in his hand directly on the table, and looked at Li Hongmei with cold and heartless eyes.

"Whether you can speak, if you can't speak, just keep your mouth shut."

"What do you mean he divided more pork, didn't you eat it?"

"It's reasonable for people to kill wild boars and share the meat. You are almost scared to pee. What's the point of sharing the meat?"

The educated youths on the side didn't try to persuade them to fight.

Li Hongmei asked for it.

If it was a few years earlier, the pork that Leng Yuan caught would have nothing to do with them.

What's more, the wild boar ran to the educated youth spot, if it wasn't for Leng Yuan, they would all be injured.

It's okay to be ungrateful, and to say such heartless words. Not only did everyone not fight, but they also helped Chen Ruoyu.

"No wonder Gu Jiaojiao doesn't play with you, she has such a bad heart, she shouldn't have saved you in the first place."

Li Hongmei was wronged.

She said that, not for everyone.

She stared in disbelief.

"I was right again."

An educated youth with a hotter temper than Chen Ruoyu couldn't take it anymore.

"If you push again, I'll smash your face into pieces."

"A conscienceless thing, it shouldn't have saved you in the first place."

Li Hongmei: ...

She was frightened, and when she realized it, she couldn't help but yelled.

"Why, do you still want to rely on more people to beat me?"

Several educated youth rolled up their sleeves.

"What's wrong with beating you, try again."

Li Hongmei's lips twitched a few times, but she didn't dare to say anything.

The next moment, her eyes turned red.

She turned around and lay down on her quilt, crying "woo woo woo".

A few female educated youths: ...

Glancing at Li Hongmei, no one paid her any attention.

These days, it's not that whoever cries is justified.

Li Hongmei cried for a long time, but no one paid any attention to her. She became more and more wronged and cried louder.

The educated youth looked at Chen Ruoyu and discussed with her.

"Ruoyu, can we go with you tomorrow?"

"Comrade Leng Yuan saved us before, and we also want to thank him. Tomorrow is just their treat, and we want to give something away."

The main reason is that they also know that Leng Yuan has severed ties with the Leng family, so there shouldn't be too many people there.

They want to hold a scene.

Li Hongmei: Huh huh...

Chen Ruoyu frowned: "I'm afraid not."

Female educated youth: ...

she explained.

"I wanted to help Gu Jiaojiao with cooking tomorrow, so I went very early, so it's not good to take you there so early."

It's almost time to eat dinner on weekdays around ten o'clock.

If she helps cook, she may be there at six or seven o'clock.

Besides, this matter has not been told to Gu Jiaojiao.

Li Hongmei continued: ... woo woo woo...

Several female educated youths hurriedly spoke.

"It's okay, we can help too."

"At that time, we will tell Gu Jiaojiao ourselves."

They all said so, and Chen Ruoyu couldn't refuse.

Li Hongmei, the "woo hoo" sound stopped.

She raised her chin and looked at Chen Ruoyu and the others.

"Then I'll help too."

Going to help, you can still have a feast, and the noodles are all meat, which is a good thing.

Crowd: ...

(End of this chapter)

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