A coquettish and book-worn man lives by a rough man

Chapter 315 Why Are You Suddenly Angry?

"Ruoyu, I happen to have something to ask Leng Yuan, can you call someone for me?"

When Gu Jiaojiao entered the room, Chen's mother confessed that she just stayed in the room beautifully, and she could not go out until Leng Yuan came in and asked her to go out.

This is to show the dignity of girls.

Chen Ruoyu obviously knew this rule, so she went out right away.

When she walked to Leng Yuan's side, she couldn't help trembling.

Chen Ruoyu swallowed desperately before whispering a word.

"Comrade Leng, Jiaojiao told you to come over."

She looked at Leng Yuan quietly holding his trembling legs.

Leng Yuan: ...

He just took a look at Chen Ruoyu, and then entered the room, Leng Yuan saw the expressions of others fearing him since he was a child.

When my parents just left.

He was sorted out again.

It's not that no one is asking for trouble.

But they were all overwhelmed by him.

Otherwise, the reason why no one dares to miss his things is because they have all been beaten, and they all know what will happen if they think about things they shouldn't.

Among those in the village who had been beaten by him, there was no one who was not afraid of him.

Leng Yuan has long been used to this look, and he has no other reaction at all.

Chen Ruoyu quietly let out a sigh of relief when Leng Yuan left.

At this moment, she really admires Gu Jiaojiao.

Such a delicate person is not afraid of Leng Yuan.

Although she shouldn't be afraid.

After all, Comrade Leng Yuan killed wild boars to save them, but she couldn't help it because she was afraid.

Leng Yuan entered the room to talk to Gu Jiaojiao.

Chen Ruoyu didn't dare to follow.

She turned her head and saw Chen Jianshe helping to move the table, so she stepped forward to help put the bench in place.

There are big families in the countryside, and the tables are extraordinarily large.

For this kind of table, the tabletop and the support below are separated. Chen Jianshe put the support in place, and then put it on while holding the tabletop.

Chen Ruoyu followed behind with a bench in one hand, and when Chen Jianshe put it away, she put the bench beside her.

Chen Jianshe put the table away, didn't see Chen Ruoyu behind him at all, and bumped into her directly when he backed away.

This is a lot of strength.

Chen Ruoyu worked quickly, but after all, she was a girl with a petite body. She was bumped by Chen Jianshe, and her whole body fell backwards.

Chen Jianshe hit someone, turned around subconsciously, and saw that Chen Ruoyu was about to fall, he moved faster than his brain, and immediately stretched out his hand to support Chen Ruoyu's body.

Chen Jianshe followed Leng Yuan to practice kung fu since he was a child. Although he may not look fat, his muscles are very hard.

He stopped Chen Ruoyu's body with ease.

The two of them got very close, and the fragrance of the girl's body penetrated into Chen Jianshe's nose.

He has never been so close to a girl since he grew up, Chen Jianshe was completely confused.

In the end, it was Chen Ruoyu who came back to his senses first, and then gave him a glare.

"Hurry up and help me up!"

This stupid man kept holding her still, like saying nothing.

When Chen Jianshe was yelled at, he hurriedly helped him up, and withdrew his hand as if he was electrocuted.

"I'm sorry, I, I didn't mean to."

After speaking, his face flushed red, he scratched his head, and looked like he had no place to rest his hands and feet.

Chen Ruoyu, who was a little embarrassed at first, calmed down when she saw the older boy who was even more embarrassed than her.

"It's okay, I know you didn't mean it."

Chen Jianshe nodded: "It's good that you know, I really didn't mean it!"

Chen Ruoyu: ...

She hecked twice, turned her head, saw Leng Yuan coming out, and went directly into the room to accompany Gu Jiaojiao.

Chen Jianshe: ...

Did he say something wrong just now?

Think carefully.


You are right.

He explained, the other party understood, perfect dialogue! (end of this chapter)

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