A coquettish and book-worn man lives by a rough man

Chapter 316 Waiting for Leng Yuan Shame

Although Chen Jianshe was sure that he did not say anything wrong.

But he also sensitively sensed that something was wrong with Chen Ruoyu's attitude.

When he was thinking, Leng Yuan came over.

"Building, borrow three more tables."

After speaking, hand him some candies and melon seeds.

Chen Jianshe had a task, so he immediately went to borrow a table. As for what happened to Chen Ruoyu just now, he simply forgot about it.

Leng Yuan went to the firewood room again, and fished out some fish from the water.

The meat is not easy to take out, but fortunately there are still a few fish, so I simply take them all out.

Gu Jiaojiao just mentioned the matter of the educated youth.

She felt that the educated youths were pretty good, and aside from personal grievances, no one hurt her.

Since they all have good intentions, Gu Jiaojiao feels that this is a good opportunity to get in touch.

Leng Yuan has no objection, the main one is to listen to his wife.

He handed the fish to Mother Chen and told him that the educated youths would come. Mother Chen was surprised.

In the past, she heard that Gu Jiaojiao did not have a good relationship with those educated youths, and those educated youths excluded Gu Jiaojiao, but now it seems that it is just a rumor.

It's not all coming.

We're not on good terms. Can we come to dinner?

But this way, it will be busy.

Eight tables of meals, limited ingredients, need to prepare well.

Chen Jianshe borrowed three tables from a few aunts who had good friends, and each family gave a lot of melon seeds and seven or eight pieces of toffee.

This is a rare item. Ordinary people would give two yuan to borrow a table, but this Leng Yuan was generous and gave me seven or eight yuan.

Those people happily borrowed the table.

Some villagers on the road saw it and couldn't help frowning.

"It's not that five tables have been moved, why do we need three tables?"

These old ladies at the entrance of the village are always more aware of other people's affairs than their own, and they have already talked about Leng Yuan's dinner today.

According to Leng Yuan's relationship, two tables are almost enough.

But they set up five tables, which is already a lot, and they borrowed three more, how can so many people come?

When the time comes, several tables will be empty, isn't Leng Yuan a joke?
"You said, with so many tables, can they be filled?"

"What do you sit on? Leng Yuan has severed ties with the Leng family. Just go to the Zhao family of the Chen family in the village, as well as the captain and the village chief's family. They will definitely not be satisfied. Just wait! Leng Yuan will definitely make a joke."

This person is Liu Xiqing who was frightened by Gu Jiaojiao for speaking ill of Leng Yuan last time.

That is Wang Daniu's grandmother.

She still remembers what happened last time in her heart, and now she sees Leng Yuan's embarrassment, and she talks more lively than anyone else.

The old ladies didn't dare to speak ill of Leng Yuan. After all, Gu Jiaojiao helped Shitou last time, and told them with a smile that if they didn't know anything, they would ask her. She knew Leng Yuan's gossip better.

At that moment, they knew that Gu Zhiqing was not easy to provoke.

They didn't dare to say anything this time.

But in my heart, I felt that Liu Xiqing was right.

Leng Yuan's treat this time is equivalent to getting married, and no one will go to the wedding treat, which is a very shameful thing.

This time, Leng Yuan set up eight tables to save face, and it would be even more embarrassing if there were not enough seats.

The old lady in the village and Liu Xiqing sat on the only way from Leng's house to the village, waiting to see a joke.

Chen Jianshe pushed the cart to get it, and met Xu Chongfeng and Xu Chongshan on the road, and the two hurriedly followed.

They would have come to help earlier.

Xu Wenwan had a fever early in the morning.

It is strange to say that the person who was beaten last night and still hated his spirit had a high fever in the morning.

Even if they didn't like this sister in their hearts, they couldn't watch her burn to death. The two brothers immediately pushed the cart and sent her to the county seat.

It was only this time when they came back, and they didn't rest, so they rushed to help. (end of this chapter)

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