A coquettish and book-worn man lives by a rough man

Chapter 317 Don't Laugh Out Loud

Leng's old house.

Second Aunt Leng and Third Aunt Leng had breakfast and saw the sun rising, so they went to Leng Yuan's house together.

Leng Qiushou, Leng Mancang, and Leng Qingtian followed behind.

"Mother, is it too late to go at this time?"

"It's not too late." Aunt Leng said calmly, "The Leng family has no relatives, and there is nothing to prepare for. Besides, we went late, and they were in a hurry, so that Leng Yuan could know how important we are. "

Sending charcoal in the snow is often the most grateful thing.

Third Aunt Leng nodded.

She came up with the idea, but the words were all said by Second Aunt Leng. These people thought it was Second Aunt Leng's idea, and Third Aunt Leng followed behind, hiding her achievements and fame.

The two passed under the big tree in the east of the village, and saw a group of old ladies sitting there, looking in the direction of Leng Yuan's house from time to time.

Second Aunt Leng: ...

Third Aunt Leng: ...

old lady:……

When the two people met, they were both taken aback.

In the end, the old lady responded quickly and asked a quick question.

"Qiuyue, Yuzhi, what are you doing here?"

Qiuyue is the name of Second Aunt Leng, and Yuzhi is the name of Third Aunt Leng.

When the two were asked, they smiled and said, "Isn't Leng Yuan a treat today? Let's go help!"

"Help? Didn't you both cut off ties and still go to help?" Liu Xiqing said in shock, her voice raised a little.

Second Aunt Leng's face remained unchanged.

"Severing the relationship is not breaking the relationship, breaking the bones and connecting the tendons, how can it be possible to really sever the relationship."

"Don't tell Auntie, we have to hurry over to help."

They completely forgot the cold face that made Leng Yuan leave the big house back then, but now they are smiling.

Old ladies: ...

There are many Leng family members, and their days are prosperous. The Leng family members reconcile with Leng Yuan. After that, Leng Yuan will not be alone.

Liu Xiqing couldn't help muttering.

"The Leng family reconciles with Leng Yuan, so Leng Yuan will have something to rely on in the future."

"But you can't bully casually."

Her eyes deepened. Today, Leng Yuan treats guests with the help of the Leng family, but there is no way to lose face.

An old lady next to her heard the words and was a little upright.

"There is no one in the whole village who is not afraid of Leng Yuan. The junior of the Leng family was beaten and lay on the bed for half a month. Who would dare to bully him."

Liu Xiqing: ...

But... also!
The juniors of the Leng family have all been beaten by Leng Yuan, who dares to bully him.

But Leng Yuan is alone, even if he is very powerful, he will always give people the impression that he can't do anything alone.

She suddenly didn't know how to refute this unreasonable thing.

But she was still unconvinced and forced out a sentence.

"Anyway, what can he do by himself, don't forget, when his father got sick, he owed seven or eight hundred foreign debts!"

Thinking about it, thinking about it, this is the only thing worth mentioning.

And it has been said for several years, but now when it is mentioned, everyone is still in a state of embarrassment.

"That's right! So much money, I don't know if I can pay it back in this life."

When everyone thought that Leng Yuan owed so much money, they immediately regained their balance.

After all, they are living a tight life as a family. How can Leng Yuan live a good life by himself? Isn't this a slap in the face of everyone.

Now knowing that he is not doing well, everyone is relieved.

Second Aunt Leng was still giving instructions when she was almost at the door.

"After a while, the yard must be deserted and deserted, and there is no one there. Then you have to restrain yourself and don't laugh out loud."

Otherwise, if Leng Yuan becomes angry from embarrassment, their beggars for the past few days will be in vain. (end of this chapter)

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