Inside the room.

Seeing this scene, Chen Ruoyu was a little speechless.

"Jiaojiao, it's amazing that they can still cook."

She really admired it, as for the scene just now, if it was her instead, she would have run away with her face covered, how dare she stay any longer.

Gu Jiaojiao deeply thought so.

She can't do it either.

However, Gu Jiaojiao had a premonition that the second and third bedrooms of the Leng family were so flattering to her and Leng Yuan, so today they would probably know the reason.

Chen Ruoyu looked at the commotion outside, then at Gu Jiaojiao, who was calm and calm, and became more and more confused.

There are quite a few educated youths sent to the countryside, 30 of them.

Now there are quite a few of them, and they have found girls and men from the village to marry.

In the educated youth spot, there are also educated youths who marry educated youths.

If the conditions are good, I go to the captain to apply for a place to build a house. If the conditions are not good, I go to the captain to rent a house to live.

She has been in the countryside for several years.

Always wanted to go back to town.

But after so many years, the days have become more and more confused.

She is 22 and has reached the age to get married. Does she want to marry and live in the countryside for the rest of her life?

Chen Ruoyu pursed her lips. This is not the day she wanted, but Gu Jiaojiao is so beautiful and her family background should be very good. She is married to the countryside. Will she continue to persevere?
She wanted to ask Gu Jiaojiao what she thought.

But today is someone's wedding day, how can I ask such a question.

Chen Ruoyu forced the question away, and looked out the window happily.

As the Second Aunt Leng and the Third Aunt Leng got busy, Leng Qiushou and the others also helped.

Their help is that the three brothers took turns to carry firewood, and when they saw that there was no more, they went to get it.

No way, they can only move firewood.

In fact, the day of the wedding is quite busy, not to mention so many meals to do, but to clean the yard, move the tables and benches, post happy words, go through the process, and get things back and forth.

Trivial and troublesome.

But Chen Jianshe was diligent, and he swept the yard when he came. As for the other things, there was nothing to clean up. Leng Yuan took care of everything.

Tables and benches were also brought over by the Chen family, the Zhao family, the captain, and the village chief's family when they came.

Later, Chen Jianshe went out to borrow something again, and Xu Chongfeng and Xu Chongshan also came.

Everyone is young and strong, and this job is still very quick.

This also caused the three brothers Leng Qiushou, all of them to be strong and strong, but they could only stand in front of the iron pot, staring at the firewood, hoping to hurry up.

Chen Jianshe laughed enough.

Pulling Xu Zhongshan beside him, he asked.

"What do you mean by Leng's family?"

They have severed all ties, and they don't communicate with each other on weekdays. Today, Brother Leng treats guests with such hospitality.

Xu Zhongshan was also a little confused.

At this time, there was another movement at the door, and everyone turned their heads.

Lu Yuanbin was carrying several bags of things, five or six bags were hung on both sides of the bicycle handlebar, several bags were hung on the beam, and there was a basket pinned to the back of the car with several old hens in it.

When Chen Jianshe saw this product, his eyes hurt.

This guy was dressed like a peacock spreading its tail, and those who didn't know thought he was the groom.

Lu Yuanbin stopped the car and brushed his hair handsomely.

He came here after dressing up carefully today, with new clothes and pants, small leather shoes on his feet, and a bicycle.

When I walked in and took a quick look, I thought it was a leader from somewhere.

Not to mention, this style really scares people.

Second Aunt Leng and Third Aunt Leng looked up and down, thinking about it.

This Leng Yuan, when did he meet such a big man. (end of this chapter)

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