A coquettish and book-worn man lives by a rough man

Chapter 319 Embarrassed Toe Picking

a time.

Second Aunt Leng and her party froze at the kitchen door, neither sitting down nor walking, let alone entering the kitchen, there was no room left in the kitchen.

If they sit down, they are Leng Yuan's second and third aunts. There is no reason for relatives to sit and eat here, where there are villagers to help.

Five people lost their language.

At this moment, they felt ashamed of being stripped naked.

How could it be so embarrassing.

Gu Jiaojiao was by the window in the room. She and Chen Ruoyu sat side by side in front of the window. Through the gap, she saw the scene outside.

Gu Jiaojiao didn't read anymore, she felt that the bustle outside was more interesting.

Chen Ruoyu had shrunk her toes in embarrassment, how could such an embarrassing thing happen.

Fortunately, Second Aunt Leng had a thick skin, she raised her head and smiled at everyone: Ha ha!
Everyone replied: Ha ha!

Leng Qiushou on the side wanted to be a quail and buried his head in the soil.

A few years ago, he was arranged by his aunt to work in the commune, and he was envied by these people in the village. Even the village chief and the captain went to the county town for a meeting, and they greeted him cheerfully when they saw him.

He has been respected for so long, when such a shameful thing happened, he wished he could faint immediately.

Leng Yuan didn't care about the Leng family at all, and still entertained others like no one else was there.

Chen Jianshe watched Leng's family jumping around like clowns and couldn't help laughing.

The Leng family was afraid that Brother Leng's place would not be lively, so they rushed to make jokes.

Even when Leng Qingtian was farming in the village, he wasn't ashamed like this. He couldn't bear the teasing eyes of these people, so he stretched out his hand and tugged on Second Aunt Leng's sleeve.

"Mom, let's go back!"

go back.

Second Aunt Leng spoke quickly.

"No, you can't go back."

Today is a very important opportunity. Their purpose is to let everyone in the village know that the Leng family and Leng Yuan have reconciled.

Leave now and make up the ass.

Second Aunt Leng took a deep breath and walked to Leng Yuan's side.

"Leng Yuan, I didn't expect that everyone was already busy with work. If your grandma hadn't been sick, we would have come here earlier."

Second Aunt Leng now made up an excuse.

It sounded better to say that, at least it was because the old man delayed, otherwise if people found out that they were late on purpose, it would be embarrassing and embarrassing, and they still have to lose face.

When Third Aunt Leng saw Second Aunt Leng apologizing, she looked around the yard and soon found a job.

She rolled up her sleeves and walked to the big iron pot that had just been erected.

There are many married people in the village, and the big pot at home is definitely not enough for cooking.

Rural people have big pots specially used for weddings, and they can cook by setting them up with stones.

Because it is still early, the pot has just been set up, and the side dishes have been cut, but the food has not been cooked yet.

Third Aunt Leng rushed over, rolled up her sleeves and started working.

Now she doesn't care if she is working too much, and now she is even more afraid of not having work to do.

While brushing the pan swiftly, she opened her mouth with a smile.

"Leng Yuan, don't worry, Third Aunt will definitely be able to prepare the meal for you."

She didn't even give Leng Yuan a chance to speak, so she called Leng Qiushou and the others to bring firewood and start working on the big pot.

Rural feasts are all eaten in a big pot. In winter, it is cabbage, bean sprouts, pumpkin, tofu, pork, and vermicelli.

This pot of stew is the taste that a treat should have.

Just looking at the weight in front of me, it seems too much.

If you do all of them, there will definitely be a lot left.

After all, there are only three or forty people here, but these meals are enough for seven or eighty people.

But with the embarrassing incident just now, how dare Second Aunt Leng and Third Aunt Leng intervene, and directly started to cook a big pot of vegetables. (end of this chapter)

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