A coquettish and book-worn man lives by a rough man

Chapter 322 Aunt Leng Yuan Has Arrived

Melon seeds and wedding candies are on every table.

If you finish eating on your own table, you can't eat from other tables, otherwise there won't be enough food!

Originally it was auspicious things, Lengyuan is generous enough here, Aunt Guazihua puts it out in a plate, and when other people get married, they just grab it and finish it off.

And no one came to the empty table next to it.

It would be too embarrassing if someone came and the melon seeds were gone.

Lu Yuanbin is not a stingy person. Seeing that the child wanted candy, he threw a lot out.

Brother Leng's treat must be the best.

That is to say, extravagance and waste are not allowed now, otherwise he can order food from the state-run restaurant, saving the trouble of cooking.

Lu Yuanbin sprinkled sugar and made a condition, that is, when the bride comes out, everyone must think of a word of praise.

The children took the toffee and gathered together to think hard.

It's rare to be quiet.

And because of his behavior, everyone felt a little embarrassed, and chatted with him with a smile.

This is not Lu Yuanbin's strong point.

He knows a little about everything, and he has been in the black market for so many years, he has met countless people, and he can chat with everyone.

Chen Jianshe went to Tianniu and Xiaoyang's room to get melon seeds and peanuts, and saw that Lu Yuanbin had already talked to Xu Chongshan, and he was still having a heated fight with others.

Chen Jianshe: ...

This guy never forgets to make friends with others wherever he goes.

Obviously he is the only person in this village, but he is not as good at talking to everyone as Lu Yuanbin.

Suddenly angry.

He stepped forward, put down the melon seeds, peeled a piece of candy and stuffed it into Lu Yuanbin's hands.

"Say so much thirst! Eat a piece of candy."

Lu Yuanbin: ...

I really want to fight Chen Jianshe.

Chen Jianshe also has this meaning.

The two stared at each other.

Xu Zhongshan next to him approached Xu Chongfeng: "The relationship between these two people is really good."

Xu Chongfeng nodded.

Chen Jianshe and Lu Yuanbin: ...

Do these two people have eye problems? How can they have a good relationship? They just want to beat each other so hard!

The two sides glared at each other, then snorted coldly and turned their heads.

Xu Zhongshan became more and more sure of his thoughts.

Look, this friendship is not good, can they be so tacit?
On the path outside Leng Yuan's house.

A couple is pushing two bicycles, followed by a girl.

The man was well dressed, with a briefcase under his arm, and looked somewhat official. The woman was about 40 years old, with a relaxed face and a somewhat capable body. She was not a countryman at first glance.

Behind him was a little girl, about 20 years old, with two braids and a pretty appearance. After entering the village, she began to look around.

She walked all the way and saw the surrounding houses with a look of disgust on her face.

This village is too poor!There is not a single brick house in the whole village, and some of them don't even have yards covered, and are simply surrounded by fences.

But thinking of what her uncle said to her, Leng Yuan's uncle is a high official and will be back soon, and there is no harm in making friends with Leng Yuan, so she endured it.

The couple walking on the road were none other than Leng Yuan's aunt and uncle.

His aunt's name was Leng Shuyue, which was the most pleasant name in the village, and it was given by his grandfather himself.

My uncle's surname is Ding, and his first name is Jiang Chuan.

Ding Jiangchuan walked in front, frowning together, his face a little displeased.

"When you arrive at the wedding scene, you must talk about Leng Yuan well, and get married without saying a word."

If the Leng family hadn't told them, they would never have known that Leng Yuan was getting married.

And today is Leng Yuan's day to treat guests.

After the couple knew about it, they hurriedly asked for leave yesterday, and headed here early this morning. (end of this chapter)

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