Second Aunt Leng and Third Aunt Leng's smiles faded, and they answered honestly and went to cook.

This sister-in-law, when she talked about the truth, the heads of the people who listened to her got big.

Can't you talk nicely?
After Leng Shuyue finished talking about the two sister-in-laws, she felt a sense of accomplishment. Next, she was going to talk about Leng Yuan.

Looking around, he saw Leng Yuan's figure.

She was just about to step forward.

More than [-] people rushed in from outside the door, both men and women.

Leng Shuyue didn't know these juniors.

Just as she was about to talk to Leng Yuan, she was pushed aside.

Li Hongmei bumped into someone and didn't care at all. She followed behind and entered the yard.

Leng Yuan knew that these people were coming, so there was no surprise, and he directly asked everyone to sit down.

Those educated youths scratched their heads and spoke hastily.

"We won't sit down anymore. I came here this time to thank you specially. If you hadn't killed the wild boar last time, we might..."

Before he finished speaking, he was slapped by the person next to him.

"What nonsense, today is a good day, what are you talking about!"

It's unlucky to be dead or not.

The man also reacted, and immediately patted his mouth.

"Anyway, it's just to thank you, so I won't eat."

Chen Jianshe immediately greeted him: "You're welcome, my brother Leng has prepared your meals. Let me tell you, today's meals are not ordinary. This is a wedding banquet, and it's all full of joy."

"Everyone is here, just be happy and leave."

As Chen Jianshe said, he hooked the shoulder of an educated youth he knew and dragged him into the yard.

Everyone saw that he was really sincere, and they were not overly polite, so they all walked in one after another.

These educated youths smiled and took the prepared gifts and gift money to the bookkeeping side to register, and then sat down.

This time, the courtyard is basically full.

The person in charge of recording was the team leader at the beginning, and then the accountant from the village came, and the team leader handed over the task to the accountant.

Like the leading groups in the village, if anyone has something to do, they will call to come over for dinner, and they can ask for advice if they don't understand anything.

Leng Shuyue was a little angry.

Didn't Leng Yuan see her as an elder standing here?I don't know how to take the initiative to come over to greet her!
In the end, Liu Xinxin stepped forward and supported Leng Shuyue.

Leng Shuyue patted Liu Xinxin's arm in comfort: "Thanks to Xinxin just now."

The Ding family loves their daughter very much, and Leng Shuyue has never had children, and her sister-in-law often speaks for her, which makes Leng Shuyue grateful.

He directly regards Liu Xinxin as his own child.

Liu Xinxin nodded shyly, but her eyes couldn't help falling on Leng Yuan.

She also thought that the men in the countryside should look ordinary because they planed food in the fields, and they were dark and strong because of working all the year round.

But Leng Yuan is not.

He has sword-like eyebrows and star-eyed eyes, and he has an aura that is not easy to provoke, but his every move is well-bred, I can't say what it is, but he is very good-looking, and every movement is smooth and smooth.

Coupled with wearing new clothes specially today, he looks like a son of a rich family, without the slightest bit of earthy smell.

Leng Yuan can be said to be the most handsome and imposing man among all the men Liu Xinxin has ever met.

Just thinking that today is his wedding banquet, Liu Xinxin couldn't help pursing her lips.

"Auntie, let's go say hello to my cousin first!"

Although it was Leng Yuan's wedding banquet, Liu Xinxin was very confident.

She has seen female educated youths who went to the countryside. Even if they are good-looking at first, after a long time in the country, they are no different from the girls in the village.

She is different, she has a registered permanent residence in the county seat, her uncle is still a leader, and she has never done heavy work since she was a child. She is more confident than that woman named Gu Jiaojiao. (end of this chapter)

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