Leng Shuyue also felt that she should say hello to Leng Yuan.

He took Liu Xinxin and walked over.

Her main purpose was to introduce Liu Xinxin to Leng Yuan.

in the room.

Gu Jiaojiao watched the people coming outside through the window, and she didn't know many people in the educated youth spot.

It should be said that there are not many names that the original owner can remember.

Most of the former owner's memories at the educated youth site were deliberate pursuit of Yunhao, and he didn't pay much attention to other male educated youths.

As for the female educated youths, except for Chen Ruoyu and Li Hongmei, no one else had even spoken much.

After the original owner went to the countryside, his eyes were higher than his head, and he was extremely arrogant.

Everyone is a normal person. With her personality, no one is willing to put a hot face on a cold butt. As for why Li Hongmei posted it, it was naturally to get benefits from her.

Gu Jiaojiao watched the educated youth walk in from outside, and only recognized Li Fenggu in the front, but she felt something was wrong.

Why Yun Hao and Hu Ziqiang also came, and Li Hongmei also came.

There must be something wrong with these three people!

But on the big day, she doesn't bother to argue with them, but it's best not to mess with her.

Not to mention that Gu Jiaojiao didn't understand, Chen Ruoyu was also dumbfounded.

She didn't know that Yun Hao and Hu Ziqiang would also come.

But after thinking about it for a while, I understood that they all came to thank Leng Yuan. It seemed inappropriate for the two of them not to come, but it was even more inappropriate to come.

Didn't you see those eyes in the yard, seemingly falling on Yun Hao and Leng Yuan?
Just wanted to see if the two would fight.

As the educated youth entered, Leng Yuan naturally saw Yun Hao following behind.

In fact, he had already seen it.

Yun Hao is very tall, even standing among the educated youths, Leng Yuan has no reason not to see it.

When Yun Hao and Hu Ziqiang came over, the three confronted each other.

The atmosphere in the courtyard dropped to freezing point in an instant.

Everyone breathed shallowly, wondering if Leng Yuan would beat Yun Hao up.

Yun Hao was very natural, he smiled and handed over a thankful gift.

Leng Yuan didn't answer and asked him to go in and register.

Yun Hao paused for a moment, then walked in very naturally.

Crowd: ...

Fortunately, they didn't fight.

Seeing Yun Hao leave, Hu Ziqiang followed closely behind. In fact, he didn't really understand why Yun Hao came here. If he asked him, he shouldn't have come here today.

Leng Yuan calmly continued to entertain the educated youths, Li Fenggu stood by the side until everyone left, and then stepped forward to say sorry.

Speaking of which, it's all his fault.

But Yun Hao wanted to come, and he couldn't drive him away.

Leng Yuan said indifferently: "It has nothing to do with you, go in and do it!"

After all, the legs grow on other people, and whether they come or not is their business.

What's more, some peach blossoms are better cut off completely.

Leng Yuan glanced at the educated youths, beckoned Chen Jianshe to come over, gave some instructions in a low voice, and Chen Jianshe immediately went to arrange a seat.

When it comes to seating, men and women sit separately, but there are six or seven more men at the same table at the educated youth spot, and there are a few odd numbers at the girl side.

Chen Jianshe proposed.

"You can sit with the villagers."

"It's the same for girls, they can sit with the aunt in the village."

Li Hongmei rolled her eyes and said quickly, "We educated youths can just sit at a table by themselves, if the male educated youths prefer to drink, we should still drink, and we female educated youths eat vegetables."

Anyway, on weekdays, everyone eats together at the educated youth spot, and it doesn't matter if they sit together during the meal, which is normal.

The number of people at a table is not always so perfect, and it is not surprising that men and women you know sit at the same table. (end of this chapter)

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