The educated youth didn't have much contact with the village, so it was awkward to sit together.

Li Hongmei suggested that it would be better for the educated youths to sit together.

Just as happy as usual when eating.

Yun Hao and Hu Ziqiang had no opinion.

They walked slowly, registered late, and when they came, there was no room for the male educated youth's table.

The two of them were arranged to sit next to the male educated youth by Chen Jianshe. Hu Ziqiang stepped forward, thought for a while, and vacated a seat for Li Fenggu.

Before Li Fenggu came over, Li Hongmei rushed over and sat in that position.

Yunhao: ...

Hu Ziqiang: ...

The position Li Hongmei chose happened to be between the two of them.

Yun Hao frowned.

He wanted to get up and change his seat, but someone sat on the seat next to him immediately.

Yun Hao pursed his lips: ...

Li Hongmei's face was shy, it was the first time she was so close to Yun Hao, if she moved a little to the side, she could touch Yun Hao's arm.

In order not to be too obvious, Li Hongmei couldn't help supporting the half of her face next to Yun Hao with her hand, and looked to her side with a smile.

This smile happened to meet Hu Ziqiang on the other side.

Hu Ziqiang had a headache.

This Li Hongmei, in order to pursue him, did not care about her own reputation.Actually sitting between two men.

She has made it this far, he really can't bear to hurt a girl who loves him so deeply.

The moment Li Hongmei saw Hu Ziqiang, the smile on her face faded instantly.

Just now, he was only paying attention to Yun Hao, but he didn't notice Hu Ziqiang beside him.

This man likes her and has been looking for opportunities to get close to her, even at dinner, but she will never like Hu Ziqiang.

After thinking about it, Li Hongmei decided to break the other party's illusion about her.

"In fact, things in the world are not so perfect. Many things are not satisfactory. For example, some people, Hu Ziqiang, you should pursue your own happiness."

She is the woman Hu Ziqiang will never get, she likes Yun Hao, Hu Ziqiang should find a woman who likes him.

Hu Ziqiang was silent when he heard this.

He didn't expect Li Hongmei to be so courageous, hinting that he pursued her in front of so many people, what should he do?
Rejecting in front of so many people seems to hurt the girl's face too much.

After thinking about it, Hu Ziqiang spoke.

"Comrade Li Hongmei, the world is big and the scenery is beautiful. It is said that you can find a soulmate in the mountains and rivers. When you are friends, you can go farther."

What he meant was that the two could be regarded as friends at best, even though Li Hongmei liked him, he didn't like her either!

Li Hongmei blushed.

What is this man talking about? He wants to see the world with her and talk about friends with her?

How could he not give up!
The Yun Hao she likes, this Hu Ziqiang, why does he love her so much!

What should she do if she loves her enough to say such a confession?
Crowd: ...

What are these two people talking about?
Listening to it makes people feel hot.

Even the accountant's daughter-in-law at the side pulled an educated youth and asked her.

"Did you all learn this in school?"

Listening to the literary words, it feels quite nice, the short words are paragraph by paragraph, but they are a bit hot to the ears, and she can't speak them out, it burns her mouth.

The educated youth hurriedly waved his hands: "No, what we learn is all serious knowledge."

They are all educated educated youths, and the aunt should not think that they are talking about these things all day long, which is simply degrading.

In order to convince the aunt, the educated youth immediately listed a few equations, let the aunt watch and solve the problems, and justify her name.

The accountant's daughter-in-law was not interested in equations, and she was dizzy when she heard it. When she saw that the educated youth wanted to explain it to her, she immediately waved her hand in fright.

"No need, no need, Madam believes that what you have learned is serious knowledge."

After finishing speaking, a pair of eyes could not help staring at Hu Ziqiang and Li Hongmei.

I was curious about what unserious knowledge I had to say.

The educated youth corrected his reputation, and carefully pricked up his ears, intending to listen to what insulting words the two of them could say. (end of this chapter)

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