Chapter 329 Not My Object

Hu Ziqiang is 1.7 meters tall, and Chen Jianshe is half a head taller than him. With a little effort in his arm, he easily pulled Hu Ziqiang into position.

That process was not gentle at all.

Hu Ziqiang felt a little ashamed, but seeing Chen Jianshe clenched his fists and hesitated, he still couldn't give in violently.

"I want to change my position, you can't hit me, today is Leng Yuan's wedding banquet."

If Chen Jianshe doesn't know that this is his brother Leng's wedding banquet, Hu Ziqiang needs to remind him.

He looked at each other coldly, with a bad tone.

"What to change, it's not very good to be next to your partner."

"By the way, take good care of her. If you dare to make any trouble, I will take good care of you in the future."

"Did you hear that?"

Hu Ziqiang nodded in fright.

Li Hongmei on the side was not happy.

"Who is his object, I don't..."

Chen Jianshe swept over with a pair of cold eyes, fierce and ruthless, as if ready to fight at any time, she didn't hear Li Hongmei's next words.

"You two, you'd better be honest with me, otherwise I will take special care of you."

If he dared to make trouble at his brother Leng's wedding banquet, he could beat both of their parents without knowing each other.

Don't tell him anything about women.

Hit it right.

Brother Leng was right, there were only his own people and outsiders, his own people protected him, and outsiders beat him up casually.

Li Hongmei: ...

Hu Ziqiang: ...

Suppress the two cowards.

Chen Jianshe looked back at Lu Yuanbin.

Lu Yuanbin gave a rare thumbs up.

Chen Jianshe felt complacent at the moment.

Just now Lu Yuanbin called him brother, and admitted that he was a deterrent in the village. Knowing that Hu Ziqiang and Li Hongmei were dishonest, he specially asked him to come over and warn them.

Sure enough, he was the most capable assistant by Brother Leng's side.

He raised his hand narcissistically, moved around and went shopping, making a crisp "click".

Hu Ziqiang couldn't help shaking his body, fearing that Chen Jianshe would beat him up, so he shrank his neck.

It is no secret in the village that Chen Jianshe can fight.

Hu Ziqiang also saw him fight with his own eyes.

In spring, the river irrigates the fields.

The upstream sometimes cuts off part of the water source to irrigate the fields, which causes the downstream villages to have scarce water flow and irrigation is not timely, affecting growth and harvest.

Because of the water problem, Qingshan Brigade fought with other brigades.

Chen Jianshe rushed to the front and hit the hardest and most ruthlessly. He carried the object and smashed it, directly opening a hole in the opponent's head.

At that time, Hu Ziqiang shrank aside in fright and witnessed all this.

As for the fact that Li Hongmei was his object, Hu Ziqiang still dared to refute in a low voice.

"She's really not my object."

Chen Jianshe turned a deaf ear to it, and what he believed to be the truth, he would beat him up again.

Hu Ziqiang: ...

Why is this person so overbearing, the truth is not told.

Li Hongmei also wanted to refute.

She is so beautiful, how can she like Hu Ziqiang.

But looking at Chen Jianshe's warning eyes, he faltered.

Chen Jianshe suppressed the two of them and returned to his seat with a stinking expression on his face.

Lu Yuanbin glanced at Chen Jianshe speechlessly, and praised a few words abnormally, and Chen Jianshe immediately became erratic.

This feeling, why is it a bit unreal!

Lu Yuanbin's two words against his will were already the limit, no matter how much he said, he would not be able to continue.

After finishing Chen Jianshe, his gloomy gaze passed over Hu Ziqiang and Li Hongmei, and finally glanced at Yunhao.

Just now he made a few random words, and Chen Jianshe explained the ins and outs.

These few people, uneasy and kind, wanted to disturb his brother Leng's marriage, and he, Lu Yuanbin, would not just let it go.

Li Hongmei and Hu Ziqiang's backs felt cold, as if they were being watched by someone, they couldn't help but raised their heads and looked around, but they didn't see anything, and couldn't help but suspect that they felt something was wrong.

Chen Jianshe couldn't help curling his lips when he saw the two people looking up in tacit agreement.

"If you say you're not the target, who are you lying to!"

(End of this chapter)

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