A coquettish and book-worn man lives by a rough man

Chapter 332 Mother and Daughter Connecting Hearts

Leng Yuan wrote to his uncle.

Uncle will also reply letters, not only letters, but also clothes, toys, and food, and Leng Yuan gets the most each time.

Even every time I write a letter, I will ask a lot about him.

his learning status.

Things about him at school.

How is his teacher?
Has he grown taller.

Do you have any wishes.

what color do you like.

Such small things in life can be written on many sheets of paper every time. In addition to him, there are also comforts to my sister and narrations about my own life.

He knew that someone at home cared about him, so no matter where he went, he would write a letter to confess.

Tasks will also be announced in advance.

But when I come back, I will reply to the letter. Sometimes there is no news for half a year, and I will make up all the letters for half a year after I come back.

The 13-year-old uncle was on vacation for the second time and came back to live for half a month. He said that he had a task ahead and it would take a long time.

At first everyone thought it was a mission.

It's normal to have no news for half a year.

Because Xia Qiuming had a mission that lasted ten months.

They all thought it was the same this time.

But as time passed, for two full years, all the letters sent by his mother fell into the sea.

Everyone felt heavy in their hearts, thinking that something had happened to him.

Otherwise it can't be so long.

At that time there was no telephone, his parents went to the place where his uncle was training, and came back with his uncle's belongings.

Later, his mother became seriously ill because of this, and her health became worse and worse.

Even though his parents didn't say anything, Leng Yuan already had the answer in his heart, but he didn't want to believe it.

Thinking of the possibility that his uncle might be alive, Leng Yuan felt a turmoil in his heart.

Leng Shuyue didn't notice any change in Leng Yuan's expression. In her opinion, the other party still had that icy look.

There was some impatience on her face.

All her elders apologized to him, with a cold face.

Does Leng Yuan really dare not forgive him?
In her cognition, Leng Yuan didn't like to talk since she was a child, and Leng Yuan seldom refused what she said, so she should easily forgive her.

"Leng Yuan, I've already apologized to you, what else do you want? I always thought you were a good boy, but I didn't expect you to be so ignorant!"

Leng Shuyue raised her voice unconsciously.

People around couldn't help but looked sideways and frowned.

What happened to Leng Shuyue?

On a good day when Leng Yuan treats guests, it's fine for her to be an elder if she doesn't help, and she also looks like she's preaching to others, as if she's here to mess things up.

Ding Jiangchuan on the side also looked a little displeased.

But he didn't say anything after all.

Anyway, Leng Shuyue is Aunt Leng Yuan, so she should reprimand Leng Yuan.

Liu Xinxin glanced at Leng Yuan's handsome cheek, and gently tugged Leng Shuyue's sleeve.


Leng Shuyue also reacted, and then said: "Leng Yuan, I didn't mean that, I just think we are a family, and everything I do is for your own good."

She let the second bedroom and the third bedroom occupy the house, not to protect Leng Yuan, as Leng Yuan has a child, eating is a problem.

The second-bedroom and third-bedroom got a house, and they could still give him a bite to eat.

Who knew that Leng Yuan didn't know how to understand her good intentions, and took the initiative to sever ties with the Leng family.

After she heard this, she asked the leader for leave and hurried back to persuade him.

I didn't expect that the other party didn't know good from bad, and wanted to cut off relations with her.

At that time, she was thinking of teaching Leng Yuan a lesson.

He really didn't pay attention to Leng Yuan.

Just wait until he can't survive anymore, and take the initiative to give in.

Wait until today.

I have to say, as expected of a mother and daughter, they even have the same thoughts.

Grandma Leng thinks this way too, and so does Leng Shuyue, it's really a mother-daughter bond. (end of this chapter)

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