Leng Shuyue blushed when she heard Leng Yuan's words.

She can't wait to step forward and cover the opponent's mouth.

Can these words be spoken outside?

Do you know what family ugliness should not be publicized?

Where did Leng Yuan's upbringing go?

"Leng Yuan, do you know what you are talking about? I thought you were excited at the time, not to mention that I didn't agree to you."

Leng Yuan looked at Leng Shuyue calmly, without any fluctuation in tone.

"Back when the second and third bedrooms occupied the house, you rushed from the city to accuse me as soon as you heard the news. I made it clear to you at that time."

"Today is my wedding banquet. If you want to eat, you can stay, and if you don't want to eat, you can leave. If you keep pestering me, I don't know what else I can say."

Everyone ate a big melon.

When Leng Yuan was bullied, Leng Shuyue not only failed to help Leng Yuan, but also accused him of doing something wrong?
Is there something wrong with this person's brain?

Who is the wronged person?

No wonder Leng Yuan severed ties with her, and if it was them, they would sever ties too.

Leng Shuyue didn't expect that Leng Yuan would say it. At this moment, she was stared at by so many people, and she wished she could faint immediately.

She grew up well since she was a child, and she was spoiled in her natal family, but after she found a powerful husband's family, she became even more arrogant.

Being so big is not so humiliating.

Leng Shuyue couldn't control her temper in an instant, and opened her mouth to teach Leng Yuan a lesson, but was stopped by Liu Xinxin at the side.

She pursed her lips and kept staring at Gu Jiaojiao.

She thought that the educated youth who went to the countryside must look no different from the girls in the village. After all, they would grow old quickly after eating in the soil.

Who would have thought that when Gu Jiaojiao came out, she was just like the person in the painting, she was so beautiful.

She is dressed in red, like a ray of light in the gray winter day, dyeing the world with color.

The girl's face is fair and moist, her hair is coiled into a beautiful bun, and a wooden hairpin is inserted on it, and she wears a red silk bridal gown. people.

Liu Xinxin was beautiful. She had never seen such a beautiful person when she was so old, and her face was a little gloomy at the moment.

She was amazed the first time she saw Leng Yuan.

He felt that it was inappropriate for any woman to stand beside him.

However, when Gu Jiaojiao walked to Leng Yuan's side, the man was tall and tall, and the girl was pretty, unexpectedly suitable.

Liu Xinxin pursed her lips again, feeling an inexplicable hostility in her heart.

Leng Shuyue was pulled by Liu Xinxin's sleeves, but he didn't say anything harsh.

It's just that his face is extremely ugly.

Leng Yuan, this nephew, publicly exposed what she had done, embarrassing her.

Ding Jiangchuan's face was also ugly.

Wherever he went, others respected him, but he didn't expect to lose such a big face when he came to Qingshan Brigade.

And he didn't know about the severance of the relationship at all, so he couldn't help but look at Leng Shuyue.

"Shuyue, what's going on? Didn't you come back to help Leng Yuan? Why did you blame him? Is there some misunderstanding about this?"

Leng Shuyue pursed her lips.

She was right.

But she is not stupid, knowing that she cannot admit it at this time.

Simply shut up.

But silence often means acquiescence.

Everyone present was stunned.

Ding Jiangchuan didn't expect his daughter-in-law to do such a stupid thing without telling him.

He was very angry, but after all he was used to hiding his emotions, he took a deep breath and quickly adjusted his attitude.

"Leng Yuan, your aunt definitely didn't do it on purpose."

He explained dryly.

Originally, she had hoped to strengthen Xia Qiuming through Leng Yuan, after all, Leng Shuyue had always said how much she loved Leng Yuan.

Now, after a visit, I found out that they had already severed ties with them.

Don't talk about taking advantage of it, it's good not to offend others now. (end of this chapter)

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