A coquettish and book-worn man lives by a rough man

Chapter 343 The red envelope is big and thick

Chapter 343 The red envelope is big and thick
The warm sun in winter exudes gentle light, shining on everyone, warmly.

The courtyard of Leng Yuan's family was a little quiet at the moment.

It was different from everyone's shock.

Xia Qiuming was already grinning from ear to ear.

The red envelopes in his hand were stuffed one by one to Gu Jiaojiao.

For a while, Gu Jiaojiao didn't know whether to continue calling her uncle or not.

It was different from Gu Jiaojiao's hesitation.

The people in the courtyard stared blankly.

It was the first time they had seen such a red envelope given.

The red envelope is big and thick.

Even if it's one yuan a piece, the sum of these few will be more than 100!

When most of the rural people gave fifty cents, my uncle sold more than 100 yuan, which was just a red envelope for Gu Jiaojiao, and there was also gift money, which was too heroic.

The villagers watching outside were almost red-eyed.

They have nothing else but to hate the rich.

Families with daughters hate it even more. If they had known that Leng Yuan would have such an uncle in the future, they would have asked their daughter to marry him, even if it was wrong!

Why let an educated youth who went to the countryside take the lead!
They hate it so much.

Chen Shulan and Chen Yan were not only jealous, but their white teeth were about to be crushed.

Without it, hate the rich.

They looked at Gu Jiaojiao, then thought of themselves, looked at the man next to Gu Jiaojiao, and then looked at their own man, feeling the hatred in their hearts.

Why are the men in their family so useless.

Chen Yan didn't dare to get angry with Wang Shengli, and the corners of the clothes in her hands were almost crumbled.

Chen Shulan is different, her family status has always been very high.

She kicked Lin Jiandong directly, and said harshly: "Why don't you have such a powerful uncle?"

Lin Jiandong: ...

This girl is crazy!
If he had such a powerful uncle, he would have to marry someone as beautiful as Gu Jiaojiao, how could he like Chen Shulan.

Even if it's the person next to him, he can't tell lies with his eyes open.

Chen Shulan looks like this, so he is willing to marry him.

For a man, really think about it.

At this time, girls' movies are worthless, and families can give birth randomly, men have no shortage of wives, and good girls have to be picked at will.

Even though the Lin family was relatively poor, they were picky and picky back then before they settled on Chen Shulan.

But he only dared to think about it in his heart, and dared not say it.

Who told Chen Shulan to be too tough, she would strike at the slightest disagreement.

He is a good man and doesn't fight with women, and he doesn't have the same knowledge as women.

When Xia Qiuming came back this time, he focused on eating, and the county magistrate accompanied him.

There are also captains and village chiefs.

This table, it can be said, is the leadership team.

Xia Qiuming stuffed a few more red envelopes into Gu Jiaojiao's hands, and then focused on eating.

This was his nephew's wedding banquet, and Xia Qiuming ate happily.

Gu Jiaojiao made a toast and went back to her room.

The excitement outside lasted until one or two o'clock before it gradually dissipated.

Second Aunt Leng and Third Aunt Leng were particularly diligent today. Not only did they work quickly, but they also had special winks, which made the surrounding villagers stunned.

If I hadn't heard Second Aunt Leng say that Leng Yuan dared to come to borrow money and beat her out with a stick, I would have thought that she and Leng Yuan had a really good relationship!

They pursed their lips and looked at Leng's family with disdain.

They don't suggest that Leng's family reconcile with Leng Yuan.

Without it.

Because they couldn't get closer to Leng Yuan.

It's all because the father and mother didn't have the surname Leng, and they didn't appear in the Leng family tree.


Among all the people, the Wang family is the most lonely.

In the past, the Wang family had a good relationship with Leng Yuan's parents, and they received a lot of care from each other.

If they hadn't chosen to stay away after Leng Yuan's parents left, but had stepped forward to help, they would have been able to join in today's excitement.


(End of this chapter)

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