A coquettish and book-worn man lives by a rough man

Chapter 345 Gu Jiaojiao Are You Sick

Chapter 345 Gu Jiaojiao Are You Sick

Gu Jiaojiao specially asked Aunt Zhao to keep the Xu family's meat and vegetables. Although it was for Yu Fangfang and Chen Xiaoli's help, the village chief's family did not have a separate family, and it was the same for whoever took it away.

Another day she gave Chen Xiaoli a piece of face soap.

The meat prepared today was originally extra, but many people came later, and they ate up all but a little leftover.

Today these aunts came to help, and she was tired, so she planned to send some meat to each of them.

Take two pheasants from the cellar, cut them into small pieces and put them in a bowl.

The village chief's has already delivered it.

Let Chen Jianshe take away the rest of Chen Jianshe's family, and Aunt Zhao's family asked him to send them off.

Secondly, there is Uncle Chen's family, who gave fish last time, and she wanted more meat this time.

As for Chen Ruoyu, everyone eats together at the educated youth's order, and Chen Ruoyu doesn't like eating alone when she sends her there, so it's better to call her over for a meal another day.

Besides the chicken, Gu Jiaojiao also put some toffee in the basket.

If you send it to someone's house, you will be caught.

Although it was a wedding banquet today, it wasn't the first day she went through the door, and she wasn't so shy, so she took Tian Niu and carried the basket to deliver the meat.

It is also unfortunate.

I met Xu Wenwan on the way.

When Xu Wenwan saw Gu Jiaojiao, she snorted coldly and turned her face away in a haughty manner.

Gu Jiaojiao was speechless for a while.

Even if you don't like her, you don't have to be so obvious, don't you know that a dog that bites doesn't bark?
Simply no brains.

But she glanced at Xu Wenwan, and then at Feng Ergou beside her, her eyes were strange.

She thought of Xu Wenwan's system.

Could it be that she wants to absorb Feng Ergou's luck?
Speaking of which, some time ago, she heard from Chen Jianshe that this Feng Ergou was very unlucky. He fell on the ground when he walked on the ground, almost fell into a hole when he went to the toilet, and even fell on the bed with a bruised nose and a swollen face. It was like being possessed by evil spirits.

The more Gu Jiaojiao thought about it, the more excited she became, and she walked towards Xu Wenwan's side.

As he got closer, he heard an electronic sound.

"Host, this Feng Ergou's luck is almost exhausted by you, if you continue to suck it up, you will also suck in the bad luck."

Xu Wenwan originally felt that Feng Ergou's face was hot and eye-catching, but when she heard the system say this, she took a few steps back and moved away from Feng Ergou.

Feng Ergou was in a turmoil just because he got Xu Wenwan's little face, and when he was about to express his heart, he saw Xu Wenwan was eight feet away from him in an instant.

Feng Ergou: ...

How did this man get there?
At this time, there was no word teleportation, otherwise he would definitely use it.

Xu Wenwan snorted coldly: "The toad wants to eat swan meat, so don't follow me in the future, I won't like you."

When you're done, turn around and leave.

As a result, she almost bumped into Gu Jiaojiao.

Fortunately, she stopped the car in time.

Staring at Gu Jiaojiao's face, Xu Wenwan felt jealous.

Although Gu Jiaojiao is a vicious female supporting role, she will not end well in the future, but this face is too good-looking, with such flimsy skin and hooked eyes, let alone a man, even a woman has to be punished. fascinated.

"System, can't women's luck be absorbed?"

I don't know why the plot changed, and Gu Jiaojiao, the vicious female supporting role, is getting better and better, so she can't see Gu Jiaojiao's happy face.

She wants to suck Gu Jiaojiao.


"Although you can't suck Gu Jiaojiao, you can suck Leng Yuan."

"As long as you suck Leng Yuan's, no one will protect Gu Jiaojiao. When the time comes, her fate will be exactly as written in your book."

Xu Wenwan frowned.

He frowned fiercely.

This Leng Yuan is good-looking, has a good job, and will be a boss in the future.

But his expressionless face was too scary.

That's why she didn't take any action for so long.

I don't know why, but when she met those emotionless eyes, she felt panicked and wished to run away immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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