Chapter 346

Xu Wenwan was struggling.

I saw Gu Jiaojiao moving closer to her, getting closer and closer.

She frowned immediately.

"Gu Jiaojiao, are you sick? Why are you so close to me?"

Gu Jiaojiao let out a dry cough.

Reach out and take off the leaves above Xu Wenwan's head.

"It's nothing, I saw something fell off your head, and help you get it off."

Xu Wenwan: ...

He was so full of swear words that he couldn't swear in an instant.

She angrily knocked off the leaves in Gu Jiaojiao's hand, and walked forward angrily.

Gu Jiaojiao was not angry at all.

He even followed closely.

Xu Wenwan felt that Gu Jiaojiao was really sick.

This woman must be abnormal!
She's not interested in women.

Thinking of this, Xu Wenwan's pace became faster and faster.

Gu Jiaojiao: ...

She followed two steps, but the electronic voice didn't speak again, so she turned around and went to Aunt Zhao's house.

The system said just now that Xu Wenwan can't absorb a woman's luck, so she doesn't have to be afraid.

But the strange thing is that this system seems to be deliberately tempting Xu Wenwan to absorb Leng Yuan's luck.

She had heard the system say that it had absorbed Leng Yuan's luck three times.

Could it be that Leng Yuan's luck is extremely good?
Thinking of the man in the book who eventually became a big boss, she wouldn't believe it if she didn't have any confidence or luck.

And this system seems to care a lot about luck.

A system that relies on absorbing other people's luck sounds like a no-brainer, but Xu Wenwan still looks like she's taking advantage of it.

Gu Jiaojiao felt that she didn't have to deal with Xu Wenwan, as Xu Wenwan could kill herself.

Thinking of this, she suddenly laughed, this system can be used.

She brought Tian Niu to Zhao's house, delivered meat and candy, and went to the next house.

It happened that the village chief's wife was talking at Chen's house. When Gu Jiaojiao saw the village chief's daughter-in-law, she was not polite at all, and directly grabbed a handful of toffee and gave it to Chen Xiumin.

"Body, you didn't go to the wedding banquet today, eat a piece of sweet sweet mouth."

The village chief's wife wanted to refuse, but Gu Jiaojiao answered again.

"You don't need to eat other candies, this is my wedding candy, it will make your body happy."

Chen Xiumin didn't like Gu Jiaojiao very much at first, just because she thought Gu Jiaojiao was too good-looking, she was not down-to-earth at all, and she was not a person who lived life.

But there was an aunt in this bite, and there were several pieces of toffee in her hand, so she was pleasing to the eye even to take care of Gu Jiaojiao.

"You are a lucky person. After you get married, you can live a good life. Leng Yuan is not bad."

He still doesn't know about Uncle Leng Yuan.

Just now when Mother Chen pulled her to gossip about today, Gu Jiaojiao came.

Gu Jiaojiao nodded, delivered the things and went back.

As soon as she left, Mother Chen said with emotion.

"When Gu Zhiqing first went to the countryside, he didn't do farm work and looked down on us farmers. Now that he's married, he can't see his previous temperament at all, and what he says makes people feel comfortable."

She is very polite and has a pleasant voice, which made her dare not speak loudly just now.

For fear of scaring Gu Jiaojiao.

Mother Chen agreed.


"Let me tell you, after she got married, Gu Jiaojiao is not the same as before. She is not only polite, but also smart. The thresher is someone else's idea."

"In my opinion, this educated youth Gu is a life of happiness, and he can earn work points even if he uses his brain."

Chen Xiumin didn't believe it.

The threshing machine has been researched, but it is not necessary to thresh every day. Whether you can earn money in the future is still one thing!
But she didn't say it.

I just took someone else's toffee, but I can't say such bad words.

After the candy is finished, come over and tell Mother Chen.

Leaving aside Gu Jiaojiao, Chen Xiumin was even more curious about how the Leng family's wedding banquet was going.

"I heard that several tables were set up, is it true?"

Xu Wenwan fell ill in the morning, so Chen Xiumin went with her, and stayed in the hospital to accompany Xu Wenwan to get an IV before coming back. When she came back, the wedding banquet was over, so she didn't hear any gossip.

(End of this chapter)

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