Chapter 351

Gu Jiaojiao already guessed that there should be something like jewelry in the box.

She had many kinds of jewelry in her previous life, so she naturally has sharp eyesight.

Open the box, lift off the red cloth on it, and you will see a pair of ice blue jade bracelets.

This color is very similar to glacial snow rocks. The watery ice blue jade bracelet is flawless, and the water color is excellent. Inside, you can also see a few angular snowflakes.

This bracelet is not only beautiful, but also extremely precious.

The most common top-level jadeite on the market is green, and blue ones are rare.

And the Lan Fei in her hand is not only bright and clean, but also moist to the touch, and the pattern is extremely rare.

If this is placed in later generations, I'm afraid it will be crazy.

"It's so precious."

She was used to seeing jewelry, but she was also fascinated by this pair of bracelets.

Gu Jiaojiao said that it was too precious, but she couldn't take her eyes off the bracelet. The more she looked at it, the happier she became, and even her watery eyes were bent into the shape of crescent moons.

It was the first time for Leng Yuan to see his little daughter-in-law such a money fanatic.

Before that, he gave Gu Jiaojiao his family passbook.

His daughter-in-law always puts it in one place at random, and then ignores it.

Since the two got married, he had created a new passbook in Gu Jiaojiao's name and put it together with the previous passbook.

Later, the money from selling venison, the money from selling Gu Jiaojiao's pens, or the money from selling face soap, all of which he deposited in Gu Jiaojiao's account.

As a result, the money has been saved several times. Gu Jiaojiao didn't even know that there was an extra passbook, and she never asked about the money in the passbook.

Leng Yuan was funny and speechless.

He made money for Gu Jiaojiao.

In the end, he had earned so much money, and Gu Jiaojiao never found out, which made him feel no sense of accomplishment at all.

Recently, I don't even want to earn manuscript fees, and my daughter-in-law doesn't care anyway.

For this tone.

He kept trying not to remind Gu Jiaojiao, he just wanted to know when his daughter-in-law would find out about the passbook.

But to this day, Gu Jiaojiao still doesn't know.

Leng Yuan glanced at the bracelet, his tone fluctuating.

"You like this bracelet so much?"

Gu Jiaojiao nodded, not noticing any change in the man's tone at all, but showing off to him instead.

"This is a good thing, the top glass species, it will definitely be very valuable in the future."

Gu Jiaojiao looked at it a few more times, touched it a few times, and then reluctantly put the bracelet into the box.

She really loves this bracelet.

She must find a good place to hide the bracelet.

If she was found to have stolen it, she would really feel distressed to death.

Gu Jiaojiao walked around the room, but couldn't find a place to hide her things. In the end, she could only look at her man pitifully.

She knows her man's ability to hide things, and she guarantees that no one will find out.

Leng Yuan: ...

He turned his head away from looking at Gu Jiaojiao.

The way my daughter-in-law loved the bracelet just now had never shown it to him.

He knew what Gu Jiaojiao meant, so he deliberately didn't look her in the eye.

Gu Jiaojiao: ...

No, what happened to her man?
Not in love anymore?
Didn't he just give up his bright future just to be with her, so he fell out of love so quickly?
Gu Jiaojiao rolled her eyes, put the box on the bed, then threw herself into the man's arms, coaxing him.

"What's the matter? Are you angry with me? Tell me if I'm not doing well, and I will change it."

Gu Jiaojiao was dressed thickly, and she would weigh a hundred catties no matter what in winter. She slammed into the man's arms, and the man was afraid that she would fall.

Subconsciously hugged Gu Jiaojiao's waist.

As soon as she hugged her well, she heard Gu Jiaojiao's delicate voice.

He looked helpless: "Not angry."

Such an obedient daughter-in-law, how could she be angry!

(End of this chapter)

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