Chapter 352 Asking for a Gift
Seeing that Leng Yuan was not angry, Gu Jiaojiao smiled sweetly and beautifully.

"It's good not to be angry, my husband. Today is a wedding banquet anyway. Others have given me gifts. You can't prepare a gift for me!"

She knew that Leng Yuan didn't prepare a gift for her.

She just wanted to use this excuse to get the man to hide the box for her.

Leng Yuan looked at the woman in his arms with serious eyes: "Really want it?"

Gu Jiaojiao nodded: "Of course, others have given gifts, but I like the ones my husband gave me the most. It's possible that my husband didn't prepare for such an important day!"

"If you are not prepared, you will be punished, and you will be punished for helping me..." Hiding the box.

Before she could say the last three words, Gu Jiaojiao saw the man pull open the closet with his arms, and took out a scarf and a hat from the side inside.

The scarf and hat are all white, without a single hair, they are so beautiful that they are outrageous.

She blinked, stared at the scarf and hat for a moment, then at the man, with surprise on her face.

"Prepare for me?"

Leng Yuan gave a cold "hmm", put the hat on Gu Jiaojiao's head, and then put on the scarf, the size was suitable.

Gu Jiaojiao's skin was originally fair, with a pair of big eyes. Now that she wears a hat that covers most of her head, and puts on a scarf, she can only reveal a pair of eyes. They are black and bright, moist, and see through. Looking ignorant, like a stupid rabbit jumping around in the snow.

But his wife is not stupid, she is cute.

It just looked so deceiving, he was really afraid that he would be abducted by other men without seeing it.

The soft fluff is warm and comfortable, Gu Jiaojiao likes it very much.

She took off her hat and scarf, looked and looked, and spoke.

"This is rabbit fur!"

Leng Yuan nodded.

These are the hares he had hunted before. The gray ones were not good-looking, so they were sold, and the white ones were kept. Wang Xiuhua asked Wang Xiuhua to help them make hats and scarves.

At that time, he thought that Gu Jiaojiao would look good in a white hat and scarf.

Really good.

Leng Yuan looked at his daughter-in-law, and took a few appreciative glances at her fair and tender face.

She is really more charming than a flower.

Gu Jiaojiao was happy for a while, then felt guilty.

Leng Yuan prepared a gift for her, but she didn't prepare it for Leng Yuan.

Leng Yuan looked at Gu Jiaojiao with a gentle smile.

"The gift I prepared is for you, and where is the gift you prepared!"

"Jiaojiao, you must be unprepared!"

Leng Yuan deliberately teased his little daughter-in-law.

He's been quite busy recently, and his wife hasn't left his sight, so she doesn't know if he's prepared!

Just to tease her.

Gu Jiaojiao knew that what should come will always come.

Her brain was racing.

Usually three laps per second, now thirty laps per second.

Finally she thought of it.

"Ready, why not ready."

"My gift, but it needs to be made now."

"You wait."

Gu Jiaojiao broke away from Leng Yuan's arm and ran out.

Leng Yuan: ...

My daughter-in-law should run away without a gift in a fit of anger!

After waiting for a while, there was no movement outside, Leng Yuan was worried, and was about to go out to have a look, when he saw Gu Jiaojiao rushing back again.

Leng Yuan was helpless.

What a mess.

He smiled and looked at the red string in Gu Jiaojiao's hand.

This is the red rope they used for their wedding today. It is tied on the bride's head. It is different from ordinary woolen yarn. This is a kind of weaving red rope.

The red rope used for marriage has the meaning of auspiciousness, celebration and evil spirits. It means that it can dispel evil spirits, avoid disasters, and bring good luck.

In addition to these auspicious meanings, the red rope also has the meaning of the old rope, which means that it can connect two people in confinement, happiness, peace and success.

(End of this chapter)

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