Chapter 353 Give Yourself to Him

Gu Jiaojiao stepped forward cheekily, raised Leng Yuan's arm for a comparison, and braided a bracelet on the spot.

"Okay, this is my gift to you. Let me tell you, it's called "little courtesy but heavy affection." The meaning of my gift is very good."

She put it on for Leng Yuan herself, with a serious face, as if this would make the [-] cents red rope more valuable.

Leng Yuan looked at the red string on his arm, played with his fingers, and felt that the meaning was really good.

Yuelao red rope can't be given away easily, whoever you give it means you will be bound for the rest of your life, Leng Yuan really likes it.

Seeing that the man was not angry, Gu Jiaojiao smiled instead.

Feeling more and more guilty.

Another day, she must prepare a big gift for her man, this one red string will do it, and it is too easy to be satisfied.

Leng Yuan caressed the red rope and looked carefully, as if he could see a flower.

Gu Jiaojiao felt guilty and embarrassed.

Seeing the man staring at him for a long time, he couldn't help but also looked away.

Could it be.

What she gave was not an ordinary red string, what kind of treasure was it?
She looked at it, but didn't see anything, but her eyes were attracted by the male lead's white arm.

Most of the men in the village have relatively dark skin. After all, they have been working all year round and exposed to the sun.

But Leng Yuan is different.

He has a school job and stays in the house every day, but he has a skin that girls would envy.

Going up from the wrist is the man's tight and powerful forearm, usually invisible, but once exerted force, that muscle is as hard as a rock.

She touched it once before, it was slippery, hard, with infinite power stored.

Gu Jiaojiao watched and couldn't look away.

Leng Yuan withdrew his gaze from the red rope, and saw his little daughter-in-law staring at his exposed half arm with fascination.

He looked at his arm, then at his wife, his eyes darkened.

Today is also their wedding night!
Leng Yuan coaxed Gu Jiaojiao to sleep.

He took the initiative to hide the box for her.

Gu Jiaojiao: ...

Could it be that she gave a gift, and her man is in a better mood, so he can talk more easily.

She glanced at the sky outside, it was already pitch black.

It was past two o'clock after the wedding banquet at noon today, and it was already five o'clock after cleaning up the messy dishes. She was a little hungry at the time, so she warmed up the leftovers for Chen Jianshe and the others.

She went to deliver something after eating.

When she came back, the kitchen had already been cleaned up and everyone had left.

If there are two meals a day in the countryside, the second meal is almost five o'clock, and Gu Jiaojiao is indeed not hungry.

It just feels too early.

"I don't seem to be sleepy yet."

Leng Yuan's eyes became deeper and deeper.

"Then lie down, it's cold outside."

The kang is warm and warm, and it is more leisurely to lie in bed than to stand stupidly in the house.

Gu Jiaojiao thought for a while, washed up briefly, and then lay down.

The man hid the box and came back, and washed himself clean by the way, half an hour later.

He let go of the cold air on his body before getting into bed.

The kerosene lamp was extinguished, and the room was plunged into darkness.

Gu Jiaojiao's body was cold, and after Leng Yuan lay down, she naturally leaned over.

In winter, with a man like a stove by her side, Gu Jiaojiao felt extremely happy.

She squinted, her face full of enjoyment.

It was those eyes that were squinting, and suddenly felt something was wrong. The man's palm slid, causing a burst of heat.

(End of this chapter)

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