When Gu Jiaojiao got up and went out, she saw Tianniu and Xiaoyang sitting in the yard basking in the sun.

"If you feel bored, you can go to the village to find other children to play with."

She encourages Tian Niu and Xiao Yang to go out and find friends.

As long as you have companions, you can slowly integrate into this group.

Tian Niu shook her head: "Sister, we are fine at home."

She has no friends at all, because Chen Erniu took her to find her friends before, and most of them also asked her about the new clothes, and didn't play with her.

Gu Jiaojiao smiled and said, "Tianniu, you have to take the initiative to fight for what you want, instead of passively waiting for others to come to you."

After finishing speaking, Gu Jiaojiao went to the kitchen to eat.

Sweet girl's character can't be changed in a day, take it slowly.

She brought out the warm meal and ate it by herself.

Now she's used to it too.

She is the laziest one in the family, always the last to get up, and always the last to have breakfast.

The more times she did it, the thicker her skin became.

Before, I wanted to set a good example for the two children, but in the end I really couldn't get up, so forget it.

Tian Niu was thinking about Gu Jiaojiao's words in the yard, and she was silent for a moment, probably able to understand the meaning inside.

What my sister means is that if you want a friend, you have to take the initiative to find him, and you can't wait for your friend to come to you.

She thought about it and felt that her sister was right.

But she prefers to be with her sister.

After Gu Jiaojiao finished her meal, she washed the pots and bowls and came out.

The sun was just right outside, and she moved a bench and sat outside, holding a high school textbook in her hand.

She knows that the policy will be better in the future and the college entrance examination will resume, so she is preparing to take the university entrance exam.

Seeing Gu Jiaojiao coming out with a book, Tianniu and Xiaoyang couldn't help but move over curiously.

At this time, fewer children went to school in rural areas.

After all, eating is a problem, who wants to spend spare money to go to school!

Not to mention the sweet girl who has no parents.

Sweetie is already thirteen, but she can't read.

Xiao Yang stared at the textbook with a pair of dark eyes. Even though he didn't recognize it, he was just curious and couldn't blink his eyes.

Gu Jiaojiao asked two people to sit next to her with stools left and right. She held a Chinese book in her hand with texts on it, and she told some of the contents as stories to the two people.

The first time they came into contact with the story, the two children listened with gusto, their little expressions were unpredictable, and they were simply loyal audiences.

Sweetie stared at the book, longing.

Xiaoyang can't speak, but she desires even more.

Gu Jiaojiao rubbed their heads.

"Send you to school next year, okay?"

Xiaoyang's eyes lit up, a pair of dark and pure eyes were as brilliant as if injected with light.

Tian Niu was overjoyed at first, then shook her head: "I, I won't go, just let Xiao Yang go to school."

Most rural people are patriarchal. In the village, only boys can go to school, and very few girls.

In addition, she is too old, so it is too embarrassing to let her go to the first grade with her younger brother.

Most importantly, spend money.

My sister and brother have already spent a lot of money raising them, how can I let them spend more money on her!

Now it costs five yuan to go to school for books and tuition, which is too much.

"I can work now, and I can help my sister with work."

At her age, she is already a good labor force in the family. She can earn six centimeters a day, and she can distribute a lot of food at the end of the year!

The light in Xiaoyang's eyes was dim, and he shook his head accordingly.

Gu Jiaojiao made a final decision: "All go."

"Tianniu, Xiaoyang, I know you love money, don't worry, my sister has money here, and my brother's money is all handed over to me, there is a lot, and my sister will also make money."

Tianniu was silent for a moment, then lowered her head and explained: "Sister, the elders in the village say that going to school is useless." (End of this chapter)

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