A coquettish and book-worn man lives by a rough man

Chapter 356 The Letter From The Gu Family Has Arrived

It is not that there are no high school students in the village.

Those who went to high school, eventually had to come back to farm.

Although Tian Niu also likes books, she thinks it's useless to learn them. It's better to do more farm work and help her sister share the hard work.

It is difficult for Gu Jiaojiao to explain the policy issue, so she gave an example.

"Tianniu, all the aunts and aunts in the village say that going to school is useless, but do you only need to graduate from junior high school to be an accountant in the village?"

"And those cadres, the team leader, the village head, who can't read? Didn't go to school?"

Tian Niu was speechless, after thinking about it carefully, it was really the case.

"Think about it again. Before it rained heavily, I developed a threshing machine. The county rewarded me and distributed prizes. The village next door also gave me a hundred catties of fine grain. Is it because I am educated?"

Sweetie nods.

"Of course, my sister is the smartest and the most powerful person I have ever seen."

Gu Jiaojiao said modestly, "Then what about your brother!"

Sweetie is speechless.

After thinking about it, he said, "I think my sister is the most powerful, because my brother has to listen to my sister."

Gu Jiaojiao rarely blushed.

She knew that Tianniu was very innocent when she said this, but what she thought was not innocent at all, she always thought of the picture of a man tossing her at night.

She waved back the picture in her mind, coughed quickly, and changed the subject.

"I know that you are desperately trying to work for your family, make money, and reduce the burden on your family."

"But you are still young, how many work points can you do in a day, and how much food can you earn in ten or eight years? Will you be farming in the Qingshan Brigade for the rest of your life?"

"On the contrary, it's different when you go to school. Even if you come back to farm in the future, you know a lot of stories, have seen a different world, met different people, and maybe you can compete for village cadres in the future!"

"At that time, you will earn a lot more than farming, and my sister will point to you to make a lot of money in the future!"

When Tian Niu heard this, she immediately felt a sense of mission, and patted her small chest to promise: "Sister, don't worry, I will definitely earn a lot of money for you to spend in the future."

Xiao Yang also wanted to make sure, but he couldn't speak, so he could only hold Gu Jiaojiao's clothes tightly and nodded violently.

He can also make money.

Gu Jiaojiao smiled, she felt that Tianniu and Xiaoyang were really well-behaved children.

Since Tian Niu came, she always cleans up the kitchen at home. Sometimes when she sees that the yard is not clean, she immediately cleans it up. She also occasionally helps cook in the morning. She is really diligent.

Xiaoyang will also help to do some work within his ability.

She can be said to lie flat.

village room.

Yun Hao walked in, and only the team leader wrote the application inside.

This year, their village was unlucky, they didn't get the quota for raising pigs, and they didn't get the quota for raising sheep, which caused the whole brigade to lose a lot of income.

Looking at the brigade next door, not to mention the pigs, there are ten sheep, he looks greedy!

This time he has to think about it carefully, he must write the application well, and ask the leader to approve a few pigs for him.

"Captain, do you have my letter?"

Hearing this, Chen Beiguo pointed to the letter on the table behind him without raising his head.

"It's all there, you can look it up yourself."

Yun Hao nodded and walked over.

He would receive letters from his home every month, which usually contained money orders and some bills. This time, because of the snow, the post office was late for a long time to deliver the letters.

He rummaged around in front of the desk, and after he rummaged twice, he saw Gu Jiaojiao's name.

It was Gu Jiaojiao's letter. (end of this chapter)

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