A coquettish and book-worn man lives by a rough man

357--Andrew Steady profits and no losses

Yun Hao slid his fingers across the letter, paused for a moment, then moved away as if nothing had happened, and continued to search.

At this time, there were not many letters, and Yun Hao quickly found his own letters.

As soon as he was about to leave, he saw the village cadre walking in quickly with a fax.

"Captain, Gu Jiaojiao's family sent her a telegram."

The captain of the brigade was thinking about the application, and he wrote and wrote it just like that.

Just wanted to ask Leng Yuan for help.

With the computer now, the captain immediately stood up.

"Give it to me! I'll take it."

The village cadre passed the fax over, and Yunhao glanced at it inadvertently, and saw eight characters.

Quickly return to marriage, work arrangements.

The captain was about to leave with the telegram, Yun Hao reminded.

"Captain, here is a letter from Gu Jiaojiao."

The team leader went over immediately, found Gu Jiaojiao's letter, and left with his things.

The village cadres still have work to do, so they also went back.

In the past two days, the team leader was writing an application, and the village room was kept open during the day, and it would be locked when the team leader left, so he told Yun Hao to close the door when he left.

As for things, the important ones are locked up, and the unimportant ones are left alone.

Yun Hao didn't hear what the other party said at all, his mind was full of the eight words in the telegram.

The village cadre frowned and reminded him before leaving.

Yunhao didn't expect Gu Jiaojiao's family to send a telegram urging her to go back and get married.

In other words, Gu Jiaojiao never told her family about her marriage in the countryside. Does that prove that she never thought about living with Leng Yuan for the rest of her life.

Thinking of this, Yun Hao's heart filled with joy, he was still thinking about how to tell Gu Jiaojiao to let her leave Leng Yuan.

Now that she knew that Gu Jiaojiao was not ready to live a good life with Leng Yuan, she felt that those words should be said as soon as possible.

Leng Yuan is easy to deal with, but Gu Jiaojiao's going back to get married is a bit difficult to deal with.

Xu village chief's home.

Xu Wenwan needed to buy materials to make face soap, and asked her mother for money, but her mother ignored her, and she rarely got up early in the morning, so she raised a mouthful at the dinner table.

"The face soap I'm making now can make a lot of money in the future. If any of you are willing to make money with me, you can invest some money. I will count you as a shareholder."

Her tone of voice was proud and arrogant, as if she was giving charity to others.

Crowd: ...

Everyone ate with bowls and ignored her.

Only Chen Xiaoli raised her head in surprise.

"Can you make face soap?"

Gu Jiaojiao gave her a piece before, and she thought it was very useful.

Xu Wenwan was lazy and greedy, but she was surprised that she could make face soap.

Xu Wenwan lifted her chin proudly.

"Of course."

"You don't know, this thing sells for one yuan or two yuan outside! It's very expensive. You just need to invest money and let me buy materials, and I guarantee you can make money."

When Chen Xiaoli heard the price Xu Wenwan said, she almost lost the bowl in her hand.

my darling!

One piece for two, which is too expensive.

No wonder it's so easy to use, Gu Jiaojiao is really willing.

Chen Xiaoli thought of Gu Jiaojiao keeping silent, giving her such an expensive thing, never mentioning the price, and her impression of Gu Jiaojiao getting better in her heart.

Xu Wenwan thought that Chen Xiaoli was going to invest in shares, but she didn't wait for her answer for a long time, and she became impatient.

"Sister-in-law, you know the goods, and you know that this thing is good, do you want to invest money?"

"This is a guaranteed business for me. After passing this village, there will be no such shop."

Chen Xiaoli came back to her senses, and was about to speak when someone stepped on her foot.

She lowered her head and saw the foot that her man had just retracted. (end of this chapter)

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