"Brother Yunhao, you are so kind."

"Don't worry! I'm fine, I just feel homesick."

Xu Wenwan covered her face and turned her head away, deliberately preventing Yun Hao from seeing the slap marks on her face.

That is, while speaking, tears were shed, and the voice was still choked with sobs.

Yunhao: ...

It's so obvious, it's strange that he didn't notice it!

However, he had feelings for Xu Wenwan, and when he took her hand off, seeing the slap print on it, he immediately felt distressed.

"Who called, is it your family? They are too much, I will go to them now to settle the score."

Xu Wenwan hurriedly grabbed him.

"It's ok."

"It is my fault."

"I made my father angry, so he hit me."

Yun Hao disapproved: "Even if you did something wrong, you shouldn't hit someone."

Xu Wenwan instantly felt that Yun Hao was the one who understood her best, no wonder he was her official spouse.

Thinking about it this way, I didn't feel so angry anymore.

"Brother Yunhao, I actually came to you for one thing."

"I want to borrow money from you."

She knew that Yunhao's parents doted on him, so he must have money.

Yun Hao was very generous, he held up the envelope.

"It just so happened that my parents sent me money today, how much do you need?"

Xu Wenwan thought for a while, and reported a number: "I think ten yuan is enough, brother Yunhao, don't worry, I will return it to you when I make money."

This sentence was just said casually, she was going to marry Yunhao anyway, and when she got married, it was all their money, so there was nothing she could borrow or not.

Yun Hao didn't refuse, and took out ten yuan from his body and gave it to Xu Wenwan.

In the past, Gu Jiaojiao liked him, and it was Gu Jiaojiao who bought things for him.

Now it was Xu Wenwan asking him for money, Yun Hao felt weird, but he didn't think much about it.

After Xu Wenwan got the money, she could finally buy materials and start her own business.

Although she missed Tian Cai Di Bao once before, and missed the third master of the black market again, she believed that with her intelligence and familiarity with the future, she would definitely be able to make money.

Just as Xu Wenwan was about to leave, the system popped up suddenly.

"Wen Wan, great opportunity, quickly absorb his luck."

Xu Wenwan was startled, and refused aloud.


Yun Hao just lent her money.

And be so kind to her.

How could she absorb Yun Hao's luck!
The system is too lazy to talk nonsense to her.

"If you don't absorb his luck, you will be punished immediately. Your skin will turn black, your figure will become fatter, and your bust will shrink."

Xu Wenwan;...

She took a deep breath, turned her head, and held Yun Hao's hand.

Yun Hao looked strange.

But then, I felt cold all over.

Subconsciously, he was about to shake off Xu Wenwan's hand, but the other party's grip was too tight, and he couldn't use too much force, so he could only frown and speak.

"Wanwan, what's wrong with you?"

Xu Wenwan immediately showed a moved expression: "Brother Yunhao, I am so touched, my parents are my closest people, they treat me like this, but you, who treat me so well, without you, I should what should I do!"

What Xu Wenwan said was true.

The system pouted.

Humans are hypocrites.

He told her to do it in a good voice before and she didn't want to, but now he just threatens him casually.

The system felt that its previous methods were too gentle, and it knew it would have done so long ago.

Momo haw, it's been so long before I suck the second person.

But the hero is worthy of being the hero, this luck is really good.

In the consciousness space, a human figure sat cross-legged, hanging in the air, absorbing Yun Hao's luck. (end of this chapter)

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