A coquettish and book-worn man lives by a rough man

Chapter 360 Can't compare to Gu Jiaojiao and Xu Wenwan

Xu Wenwan shook hands for a while, then withdrew her hand.

The system was enjoying itself, but when it suddenly disappeared, it felt a little unhappy.

"What are you doing, quickly absorb his luck!"

Xu Wenwan frowned: "It's enough to suck a little less. If I suck so much at once, others will suspect me."

The system thinks so too.

Then it waits!

Anyway, I've been waiting for so many years.

It glanced at Xu Wenwan, moved a few times casually, and Xu Wenwan became more beautiful.

The whole person is like a goblin who has absorbed a man's yang energy, and his face is radiant.

Yunhao looked at Xu Wenwan, who was much prettier, and felt very strange in his heart. She didn't seem to be so beautiful when she first came in, but in just a short time, she seemed to be a lot prettier, but after careful inspection, she felt that she hadn't changed.

After careful consideration, he realized that his skin seemed to be much whiter, and his brows and eyes were red from crying, but it was not obvious.

Yun Hao thought it was absurd, how could someone turn white all of a sudden!
Probably because the village room was too dark, he didn't see clearly just now!
When the two left the village room, they were bumped into by many villagers.

Those people couldn't help curling their lips.

A girl who stays with a man all day long, inseparable, is simply outrageous.

If you really like it, determine the relationship.

This is not sure about the relationship, and they are often together, isn't this playing hooligans!

The age is always extremely harsh on girls, especially this conservative age.

Not long after Xu Wenwan came back, she didn't have much contact with the people in the village, and she didn't know that her reputation was already bad.

If anyone's family has a son, they will be told by their ears that they can't marry someone like Xu Wenwan.

But Xu Wenwan didn't care at all.

If only I heard someone say that.

She also thinks that these people are feudal in thinking and are old antiques.

She still talked to Yun Hao on her own, ignoring the eyes of her surroundings.

In the distance, several girls passed by together. The girl walking in the middle had the most delicate appearance. She had two braids on her head and a red jacket, which made her look really good.

"Ye Shu, you look really good in a red jacket, your skin is so white and rosy."

"Yes, but I think Gu Jiaojiao looks the best in red..."

Before the girl finished speaking, she was teased by the people around her, and the girl looked puzzled.

"What's wrong, you hit me with your elbow."

The girl who reminded her was speechless when she heard this.

Does this person have long eyes?

Didn't see that Sun Yeshu's face turned black into ashes, and he was still talking there.

They are girls of the same age in the village. They grew up together. Sun Yeshu is the prettiest among them, but she has the reputation of village flower.

The young man in the village often sneaked a look at her.

But ever since Gu Jiaojiao came, no one has ever called Sun Yeshu the village flower, and Sun Yeshu even looked down on Gu Jiaojiao, often speaking ill of her.

She is now praising Gu Jiaojiao in front of Sun Yeshu, isn't there something wrong with that?
The girl felt that she was right, Gu Jiaojiao looked the best in red.

Especially on wedding day.

Sun Yeshu and her friends didn't go, she went secretly with her mother, her skin was so fresh, and she was wearing red silk and satin, she looked like someone who came out of the painting.

But she thought about it in her heart, and she was smart enough not to say it.

Seeing that Sun Yeshu's face darkened, he made up for it.

"No matter how good-looking Gu Jiaojiao is, she is also married. Among the unmarried ones, our Ye Shu is not the prettiest."

Others quickly followed suit.

"Yes, yes, yes, among the unmarried girls, Ye Shu is the prettiest."

Only then did Sun Yeshu soften his face, and just as he was about to say a few words of modesty, he saw Xu Wenwan and Yun Hao walking towards him.

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