Xu Wenwan is the daughter of the village chief's family, but she was raised by a wealthy family in the county since she was a child. Her skin is also fair and tender, and her appearance is outstanding. Coupled with her temperament, Sun Yeshu is immediately compared to her.

Xu Wenwan also heard what she said just now, and she looked Sun Yeshu up and down, as if she was looking at a clown.

Just like this, even Gu Jiaojiao can't compare with her, so I feel embarrassed to compare with her.

Xu Wenwan curled her lips and said to Yunhao, "Brother Yunhao, let's hurry up!"

Sun Yeshu was stimulated by that look.

What did Xu Wenwan's eyes mean just now?
Look down on her?
Sun Yeshu exploded with anger.

But Xu Wenwan didn't talk to her again, she was so angry that she had nowhere to vent.

Yun Hao felt a little uncomfortable at the moment.

When I arrived, my steps were brisk and my eyes and ears were clear. When I went back, my feet were heavy and my eyes and ears became cloudy.

He wondered if he was sick?
Shaking his heavy head, he couldn't figure out what was going on for a while, but when he heard Xu Wenwan's words, he subconsciously responded.

Xu Wenwan felt a little guilty, knowing that this was probably the aftereffect of sucking away luck, so she reached out her hand to support him.

"Brother Yunhao, I think you are not feeling well, let me help you!"

Yun Hao nodded.

He only felt that Xu Wenwan was extremely caring, and it was his blessing to have her around.

Xu Wenwan supported Yun Hao, and passed by Sun Yeshu.

This face-to-face, the contrast between the two people is even more obvious.

Sun Yeshu is pretty in the village, but her skin is not as gentle as Xu Wenwan.

As the saying goes, one white hides three ugliness, and Xu Wenwan's skin alone made Sun Ye Shu instantly.

Sun Yeshu clenched his fists.

It's fine that she can't compare to Gu Jiaojiao, but now even Xu Wenwan can't compare.

On the other side, when she saw Xu Wenwan, she wasn't as good-looking as she is today. Why didn't she see her for a few days, Xu Wenwan looked a lot better, vaguely, even comparable to Gu Jiaojiao.

Seeing that Sun Yeshu was angry, the girl at the side stepped forward to comfort her: "Ye Shu, don't be angry. Although you are not as good-looking as Gu Jiaojiao and Xu Wenwan, you are much prettier than me."

Crowd: ...

These words don't sound like comforting people.

as predicted.

Sun Yeshu's face turned cold instantly, she gave the girl a hard look, her tone was cold.

"Compared with you, you don't even look at what you look like, and you are worthy of comparing with me."

"Look at my body, and your big pancake face, don't you know how much you weigh yourself? Compare it with me!"

The girl beside her didn't expect Sun Yeshu to go mad suddenly, and was startled.

Chen Ru's eyes were reddened by these words.

She was stupid and could not speak since she was a child, and no one liked to play with her.

Did she just say something wrong again?

The people around took a look at Chen Ru, and felt that Sun Yeshu's words were too much: "Ye Shu, Xiaoru didn't mean that, she just said that to comfort you."

Sun Yeshu sneered: "Comfort me? I'm pretty disgusted!"

She has always regarded herself very highly. In the whole village, only Gu Jiaojiao and Xu Wenwan can compare with her. Others have no such qualifications at all.

"Why are you talking like that? It's too much!"

Everyone usually plays together, what does Sun Yeshu mean by saying this, disgusting them?

"Too much, don't think that I don't know why you guys like me, it's not because being by my side can make men look at me more."

Sun Yeshu was provoked by Xu Wenwan, and wanted to find a punching bag.

Anyway, she said so, these people will take the initiative to reconcile with her later.

Sun Yeshu looked reassuring, and after teaching them a lesson, he left gracefully, letting out the breath in his stomach, only feeling comfortable all over.

The crowd frowned.

"Is there something wrong with her? I really think of myself as the eldest lady, and I won't serve her anymore."

"That's right, it's too much."

When they played with Sun Yeshu, the boys in the village would indeed pay more attention to them, but if Sun Yeshu said that, it would embarrass them.

Who doesn't want to save face, they also have a temper. (end of this chapter)

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