Chen Ru cried at Sun Yeshu's words.

The little girl was ridiculed for being fat all over her body, and she couldn't bear the big pancake face.

She knew that she was a different kind. When everyone was hungry, she was full of fat. She had low self-esteem, and now she felt even more ashamed.

Seeing her crying, the girl beside her gave a few words of comfort.

"Xiao Ru, don't talk to her, she is jealous of other people's good looks, and she can't compare with them, so she deliberately got angry with you."

"That's right, why is she like this, Xiao Ru, in fact, you... are not ugly."

Chen Ru has the best temper among them, and she is often scolded by Sun Yeshu, but she never gets angry as if she has no temper.

Everyone verbally comforted a few words, and they dispersed.

Chen Ru pursed her lips and walked home alone.

She is used to licking her wounds alone

Leng Yuan's family.

The captain rushed to the door with the telegram, just in time to meet Leng Yuan walking from the other side, he immediately smiled and spoke.

"It just so happens that you are back. I have an application here. Please write it for me."

Leng Yuan let him in.

The team leader saw that Gu Jiaojiao and the two children were sitting in the courtyard reading, and the atmosphere was unusually good, so he handed him the letter and telegram.

When I handed it over, I accidentally saw the words on it, and I was dumbfounded.

"Get married soon, work arrangement, what, what do you mean, your parents don't know that you are married in the countryside?"

After the captain finished speaking, the entire courtyard was silent. The man put down the firewood, and looked over with a pair of black eyes in an instant, with a dim expression.

Gu Jiaojiao was taken aback, and the letter and telegram in her hand fell to the ground.

When she was about to pick them up, a pair of hands picked up the letters and telegrams faster than him.

The eight words Chen Beiguo just said were indeed written on it.

The man's black eyes rolled, and his brows were furrowed.

Gu Jiaojiao: ...

She had no choice but to stand up and take a look in front of Leng Yuan.

It was really a telegram from her scumbag father and stepmother asking her to go back and get married.

Later, he also talked about job arrangement, that is to say, as long as she goes back to get married, she can arrange a job for her.

It seems that this marriage object seems to have some ability, and the work can be arranged casually.

Gu Jiaojiao glanced at it and then looked away, not caring about it at all.

Captain: ...

He glanced at Leng Yuan, then at Gu Jiaojiao.

"Well, I still have something to do, so I'll go first."

Apply for something, let’s talk about it another day!
The team leader put oil on the soles of his feet and slipped fast.

Gu Jiaojiao put down the book and let Tianniu and Xiaoyang go to play by themselves, she dragged the man into the room.

In case the two of them are going to quarrel, it's not good if the kid sees it.

Entering the room, Leng Yuan was pushed on the chair by Gu Jiaojiao, she sat on the bed opposite the chair, and the two faced each other.

Gu Jiaojiao coughed dryly, and explained: "The telegram thing is their wishful thinking, I don't know what's going on at all."

"The situation of our family has never been mentioned to you before. My own father is the factory director, and my stepmother is the factory director's wife. When the stepmother came, she brought a daughter, who looks almost like my own father. I suspect that it is their biological daughter." daughter."

"When the policy came down, I had my mother's job in my hand, so I didn't have to go to the countryside. As a result, my stepmother didn't want her daughter to go to the countryside, so she let me go to the countryside."

Speaking of which, her stepmother secretly reported her going to the countryside. She only found out the day before she left. She didn't prepare anything, so she took the things and left in a hurry.

Almost in a daze, she was raced into the car by her stepmother and her own father.

Gu Jiaojiao spoke every word with a flat tone, as if she was talking about other people's affairs.

The man's black eyes sank, and when he saw her staring at him, as if she was afraid that he would be angry, the man smiled helplessly.

"Not angry."

It's just that I feel sorry for his little girl.

Even if she said it calmly, he could still spy on what kind of life she was living. (end of this chapter)

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