Not long after the captain left, the news about Gu Jiaojiao's telegram was heard by the whole village.

Everyone knows that Gu Jiaojiao's family sent her a telegram telling her to go back and get married, and also arranged a job for her.

For everyone, this is simply a dream.

Although Leng Yuan is not bad, but after all, he is still a mud leg in the country, how can he compare to the workers in the county, let alone have a stable job.

These days, farming is hard and tiring, and anyone who has the opportunity will not be a farmer.

"Tell me, will this Gu Jiaojiao kick Leng Yuan and go back to the city to get married?"

"She's already married, and if she goes back, can someone ask for a divorced woman?"

"Why not, look at Gu Jiaojiao's appearance, no man should be fascinated, he might be willing to see this face, besides, Gu Jiaojiao's father is the director of the factory, and the family conditions are special good."

The factory director's daughter is a second marriage, and everyone is rushing to have it!

Village entrance.

Under the old locust tree, the gossip group gathered here, discussing whether Gu Jiaojiao would kick Leng Yuan.

After discussing for a long time, they all felt that Gu Jiaojiao would choose to return to the city.

But the question is, is Leng Yuan willing?

"Leng Yuan seems to care about this daughter-in-law very much. If Gu Jiaojiao divorces him, will he go crazy and beat her?"

Leng Yuan was so powerful that he could kill Gu Jiaojiao with one punch.

Everyone thought it was possible.

At this time, someone sang a different tune: "Have you forgotten Leng Yuan's uncle? He is a senior official. Can Gu Jiaojiao give up Leng Yuan?"

"What's the use of uncle, he came here and then left, and he didn't hear that he was going to leave with Leng Yuan, besides, Xia Qiuming is married and has his own children, so why would he care about this nephew. "

People think it makes sense.

It's okay that Xia Qiuming has no children. If he has children himself, he doesn't have the heart to take care of Leng Yuan.

It seems that Leng Yuan's daughter-in-law will not be able to keep her.

As soon as Chen Beiguo entered, he was stopped by his wife.

"I heard that Gu Jiaojiao's family sent a telegram to ask her to go back and get married. It is said that the date is a high-ranking official. The work has been arranged for her. They also said that they will give Gu Jiaojiao three rings. Is it true?"

Chen Beiguo was almost dumbfounded by the question.

What I said earlier is quite reliable, the target is a high-ranking official, and where did I hear about the three turns and one sound.

"Where did you know that?"

"Is that true?"

The captain's daughter-in-law murmured, and then suddenly said: "How about my sister's daughter, she is twenty this year and not married yet, how about introducing it to Leng Yuan?"

Chen Beiguo was so frightened that he almost jumped up on the spot.

Seeing his daughter-in-law's serious plan, he hurried to speak.

"What are you talking about! Leng Yuan and Gu Jiaojiao are married, and the relationship between the two of them is good! Don't come up with ideas here."

He has a good relationship with Leng Yuan, and it can be seen now.

They really put Gu Jiaojiao on top of their hearts.

If the daughter-in-law of his family dared to step forward to solicit a matchmaker and offend Gu Jiaojiao, neither he nor Brother Leng Yuan would have to do it.

Over the years, whenever there was anything in the village, he would go to Leng Yuan for help.

In addition, Leng Yuan should also have something to do with it. Every time he gets some treatment, it is the best in their village, and he knows it well.

Those people only looked at Leng Yuan's face.

If her daughter-in-law really did this, he might be in trouble.

"You mother-in-law, if you don't take good care of the child at home, you actually want to harm me."

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