Chapter 36

Gu Jiaojiao worked even slower in the afternoon.

In the morning, my hands are still fine, and the speed is a little faster. In the afternoon, my hands are also painful, and the speed is even slower.

Seeing Wu Cuizhi, the excitement in her eyes was undisguised, as if she had already got a dollar.

When others saw her, at first they wondered if Gu Jiaojiao was really up to it, but when they saw that her movements were slower than in the morning, they immediately curled their lips.

This bet, Gu Jiaojiao is doomed!

By the end of the night, everyone had basically finished their work, including Wu Cuizhi, who stood up and gave Gu Jiaojiao a mocking look.

"Oh, there are so many more! Then you have to work hard."

After finishing speaking, he twisted his amorous waist and left.

Seeing that Gu Jiaojiao couldn't finish her work, Aunt Zhao offered to help Gu Jiaojiao after she finished her work, but Gu Jiaojiao refused.

"Auntie, you are tired after working all day, go back quickly!"

Everyone is working, tired, and there is no leisure, not to mention that the Zhao family still has a large family to take care of, how could she let Aunt Zhao help here.

Aunt Zhao didn't say anything, but she didn't leave either. She helped Gu Jiaojiao with work, and Gu Jiaojiao herself felt embarrassed, but she didn't say anything because of his kindness.

After working for a while, Aunt Zhao saw Leng Yuan walking over, her face full of surprise.

The men's work is more and more tiring than the women's side. Basically, no man has to come to the grain drying field after finishing the field work.

Leng Yuan came over, looked at Aunt Zhao's help, and thanked: "Auntie, please take care of Jiaojiao."

Aunt Zhao usually has a good relationship with Leng Yuan, because their family has children who are going to school, and she hopes that Leng Yuan will take care of them more in the future, so she smiled and said.

"Say something polite about your sister-in-law Xiuhua, but thanks to Jiaojiao, if it weren't for her, our family would cry to death. I just do some work, so why not be polite."

Leng Yuan still thanked politely, and then let Aunt Zhao go back.

Aunt Zhao did not refuse this time, she gave way to Leng Yuan and left.

There were only the two of them left in the whole grain drying field, and the sun was about to set. Gu Jiaojiao felt a little embarrassed, and let it be that she worked slowly, and asked Leng Yuan to help.

Leng Yuan didn't let Gu Jiaojiao work any more, he hugged the person and the stool aside, sat there and started working.

For men, threshing corn is a small job. A man's palm is relatively large, and the corn can be squeezed in his hand, which can be done in two or three strokes.

Gu Jiaojiao was stunned by the man's speed.

Can it be so fast?
She was sure that if Leng Yuan came to thresh the corn, he would be able to finish what others did for a whole day in half a day.

Speaking of it, Leng Yuan not only threshed the corn, but when breaking the corn to resist the corn, it would take a whole day for others to take [-] centimeters, but Leng Yuan finished it easily and went home early.

Looking at the fast man, she couldn't help but wonder how this man looks and why he is so powerful.

Gu Jiaojiao happily watched the man work, and finally finished the remaining corn before dark.

Leng Yuan packed up and took Gu Jiaojiao back.

After returning home, Gu Jiaojiao was not asked to cook, but the meals were completed under Gu Jiaojiao's command.

Gu Jiaojiao taught Leng Yuan to stew the bone soup, and then fried a dry-stir-fried bean. The meat Gu Jiaojiao bought was not finished before, and it was marinated with salt.

Today, the remaining catty is directly fried, and the staple food is corn noodles.

"Leng Yuan, Aunt Zhao helped me a lot today, I want to send some bone soup over there."

Leng Yuan didn't refuse, just put some out.

(End of this chapter)

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