Chapter 37
There is not much oil and water these days, and it is difficult to see meaty fish.

Gu Jiaojiao went over with the bone soup, but Aunt Zhao immediately refused when she saw it.

"Jiaojiao, take this bone soup home and drink it, we don't need it."

Gu Jiaojiao didn't move: "Auntie, I gave this to sister-in-law Xiuhua. She had a fetal gas before, so she should make up for it. It's not a good thing. I went to the county and saw bones without meat. I bought it after the autumn harvest was tiring."

"It's not a good thing either, just accept it! Besides, brother Tie Zhu gave me some snacks yesterday, so I also accepted it."

When Aunt Zhao saw what Gu Jiaojiao said, she could only accept the pot: "Then I will accept it with a cheeky face."

Gu Jiaojiao also gave a lot, there were two or three bowls, the bone soup was very rich, it was still milky white, and it smelled delicious.

This can really make up for the daughter-in-law.

What Gu Jiaojiao said was correct, although the child in Wang Xiuhua's stomach was fine, but after sitting on the ground for a long time, she got cold air and moved her fetus, but these things can be cured.

It's just that there are not many good things these days. At most, the eggs at home are eaten by the wife, but there are so many.

This bone soup was timely, and it also made Aunt Zhao feel relieved.

Cleaned the basin for Gu Jiaojiao and sent it out.

Gu Jiaojiao couldn't help but say coquettishly: "I'll just go back and brush. Auntie, you are too polite."

The two exchanged a few more words with Gu Jiaojiao before going back.

After returning home and having a delicious meal, Gu Jiaojiao went to take a shower.

After taking a shower, drying her hair in the yard, Leng Yuan also just came out of the shower.

There are two main rooms in Leng Yuan's house, one is for sleeping and the other is empty. Gu Jiaojiao went to that room to take a bath, but Leng Yuan was relatively thick and didn't pay much attention to it, so she took her things to the firewood room to wash. it came out.

Gu Jiaojiao sat in the yard looking at the moon, and then at the man.

Seeing the industrious man in her family take the changed clothes and wash them by the well, she has become numb to the industriousness of men.

Leng Yuan is really the cleanest man she has ever seen.

Not only is the house clean, but she is also clean. She likes clean men.

This is what she likes.

Gu Jiaojiao looked at it and realized that something was wrong.

What is Leng Yuan holding in his hand?
If she's not mistaken, it's her underwear?

Gu Jiaojiao was so nervous that she almost choked on her saliva, she didn't even see when Leng Yuan took her changed clothes to wash.

Such a private thing was held in the hands of a big man, Gu Jiaojiao instantly blushed.

And Leng Yuan!

He looked very calm, but if he got close, he could see the man's flushed face. He hardly dared to look at the little clothes in his hand, rubbed them quickly and put them in the basin.

Gu Jiao was extremely shy and decided to play dead.

This man is hers now, he just washed his clothes, calm and calm.

After an unknown amount of time, Leng Yuan hung up all the clothes and was already weaving them.

Thinking of tomorrow's bet, Gu Jiaojiao couldn't help but stepped forward, and said delicately, "Leng Yuan, can you make something for me."

Gu Jiaojiao moved closer, and the fragrance on her body completely surrounded Leng Yuan, which made him unconsciously slow down the movements of weaving.

"What do you want to do?"

Gu Jiaojiao immediately recounted the bet she had made with Wu Cuizhi in the sun-drying field, and also recounted what she was going to do. Leng Yuan's eyes flashed with surprise. He probably thought of something, but he didn't expect Gu Jiaojiao to be able to do it. Come up with something like this.

At least, he's never heard of it.

(End of this chapter)

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