The postman boy met Leng Yuan's black face and scratched his head with a silly smile: "Brother Leng."

After finishing speaking, I was a little embarrassed.

He didn't want to stare blankly, but Gu Jiaojiao was so good-looking, he had never seen such a beautiful person before, so he couldn't control himself for a while.

Seeing Leng Yuan's dark face at this moment, the postman felt extremely guilty. Seeing him approaching, he hurriedly took out a letter from his bag.

"Recently, there has been a backlog of letters due to heavy snowfall. I found this out yesterday. I just went to the countryside to deliver letters today, so I brought them here for you."

Leng Yuan's letter is quite special, it must be signed for by himself, so he must deliver it in person.

But the last time it snowed heavily, letters could not be delivered in several places, so the Qingshan brigade was closer to the county, so it didn't have much impact.

Like the villages on the edge, the mountains are still covered by heavy snow, and letters cannot be delivered. There are a lot of letters piled up at once. They sorted out these letters and sent them over.

Because Leng Yuan's and Gu Jiaojiao's letters were at the front, they were pressed at the bottom instead.

This was also the reason why the Gu family had written the letter for more than a month and hadn't received a reply yet, so they couldn't wait to send a telegram back.

Leng Yuan skillfully signed the name, and the postman couldn't help but look at Gu Jiaojiao more. Just as he was about to leave, Tian Niu touched two pieces of candy from nowhere and handed them to the postman.

"This is the wedding candy for my brother and sister-in-law, please eat."

Postman: ...

He held the candy and left with a dry smile.

He was just curious, what kind of girl can subdue a man like Leng Yuan.

He really means nothing! ! !
What's more, he knows himself, how can such a girl like him, even if he likes him, he can't afford to support her.

Leng Yuan rarely showed a not-so-obvious smile to Tian Niu, but Tian Niu seemed to be inspired by something, her eyes sparkled.

Gu Jiaojiao had a funny face.

"Tianniu, Xiaoyang is here to practice calligraphy, and I'll cook for you."

When Gu Jiaojiao was telling the story just now, she wrote their own names for each of them, and asked them to write on the ground with a branch.

Gu Jiaojiao turned around and went into the kitchen, followed by Leng Yuan.

"You don't read the letter."

"I'll see later, I'll light the fire for you first."

Gu Jiaojiao ignored him, steamed rice for lunch today, added water to the pot, put the basin in, and put a few eggs to cook.

After a while, I will make another piece of meat, which is delicious and delicious. The key is to save trouble.

Gu Jiaojiao cut the meat, prepared the side dishes, and waited for the eggs in the pot.

Take advantage of this time.

Leng Yuan opened the letter, and it was the payment for the previous manuscripts and some receipts.

Apart from those issued by the school, Leng Yuan's bills were given by the newspaper office.

Gu Jiaojiao saw that there was a letter inside, and Leng Yuan threw it away without even reading it, so Gu Jiaojiao hurriedly grabbed it.

"No! Look at what it says."

Leng Yuan was helpless: "It must be a reminder."

He could memorize everything from the newspaper office to urge manuscripts.

Gu Jiaojiao opened it and read aloud.

"Dear Comrade Baimu, your talent is like a bright starry sky, illuminating the hearts of countless readers. Please send us your works as soon as possible, and let us feel this light together! Okay? Is it possible?"

"Comrade Baimu, just tell me, when can you mail me the manuscript! Your readers have already sent me blades, please see that I have old and young, and it is not easy to get a job. Come on, write more!"

Gu Jiaojiao felt that the taste was not right while reading it, and the style of painting before and after was too different, this editor could not be forced by Leng Yuan to have a split personality!

When did editing become a high-risk occupation?

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