After Gu Jiaojiao finished reading, she saw Leng Yuan's expression that she had guessed a long time ago. She couldn't help but stepped forward and pinched the man's face.

"My husband, why are you so good?"

In this day and age, manuscripts are urged by editors, but there are very few of them, which shows how talented this man is.

She has seen what the man wrote.

Even though she was well-informed, she felt that Leng Yuan's manuscript was very well written.

Inspiring and empowering.

In this special environment, many people live numbly and see no hope.

The things written by Leng Yuan happen to be able to bring hope and strength to readers. After reading his things, it seems that they can push away the clouds and mist in front of them and see the dawn.

Now she finally understands why some people abandon martial arts and study literature.

The power of words, although intangible, can affect more people.

This time, it is the cost of three manuscripts. Leng Yuan’s manuscripts are paid according to the number of words, one word is 1 point, and there are as many manuscripts as there are. The total of the three manuscripts is about 62 words. There is a remittance slip of [-]. There are some rare notes.

Gu Jiaojiao couldn't help giving the man a thumbs up.

"Husband, you are really amazing, I really found a treasure."

These days, workers in steel mills are only 28 a month, and his men can earn more than 60 a month by writing articles. If others find out about this, Leng Yuan will instantly become a favorite.

It must not be too high-profile.

Gu Jiaojiao felt that her husband was really prescient in not letting others know about his contribution.

Although the captain and Chen Jianshe knew that he contributed and knew that there was a fee for the manuscript, they didn't know the exact amount, but fortunately they didn't know.

Since ancient times, wealth has moved people's hearts.

It's not that they will be tempted, the point is that if they accidentally say it, others will be tempted.

This is the way this world is, it is the safest thing to not tell the second person what you can not let the second person know, because many things are bad because there are too many people who know.

Even telling a person that the other person wants something bad is superfluous.

Gu Jiaojiao shared a dormitory with a girl. After entering university, she felt sorry for her parents' exhaustion. She worked part-time at the university. Her parents didn't know about it. Later, when the girl got her salary, she showed it off to her parents.

Now it's all right, the parents never gave the living expenses again, not only did they not give the living expenses anymore, but they knew that she could earn a lot every month, and the family had to ask the girl for money.

After graduation, her parents asked her to buy a house for her younger brother.

Gu Jiaojiao had also reminded the other party at the time that the other party felt that Gu Jiaojiao was too selfish, her parents were so hard-pressed, and they tried to force her to go to college, how could she count the little money on her!

No one said anything about the girl's part-time job. Gu Jiaojiao only found out when she met her by chance. It happened to be her family's hotel, so she asked the manager to take care of the girl more.

When she reminded her later, the girl also said that she only told her relatives.

But when your relatives plot against you, they will not show mercy.

Gu Jiaojiao directly skipped a grade later, took a double master's degree certificate, and started to create her own brand and company.

The girl's parents asked her to buy a house. She heard what her classmates said, and she didn't take it to heart.

Girls who have spare money in their hands are not selfish, but they can guarantee that they will have a way out behind them.

Never test humanity.

Seeing that the water was boiling, Gu Jiaojiao took out the eggs from the pot.

It is best to use streaky pork, three fat and seven thin, which is the most delicious part of the pig.

Thick slices of meat are put into the pan, and the pork skin is fried into a tiger skin shape, and the eggs are also put into the pan, fried into a tiger skin shape, and then the chili is also fried.

Tian Niu and Xiao Yang were practicing calligraphy outside, smelling the fragrance, they couldn't help looking at the kitchen with their small eyes.

Even though I eat meat every day, I still can't resist the temptation of the aroma.

What's more, Gu Jiaojiao's cooking tastes better than that of a chef in a state-run restaurant.

So delicious!

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