Chapter 368 I Have a Brother
Yun Hao proposed to go to the countryside on his own initiative. In the eyes of everyone, he is different from others.

Others are forced, but they will not go to the countryside whenever they have the opportunity.

This is also the reason why Yun Hao is so powerful in the hearts of educated youths.

They really came here to build their homes, but they look forward to going back every day.

Yun Hao was in a state of distress.

It is true that his father is the director of the factory, and his mother is the director. The policy is to keep one of the family, so he does not have to go to the countryside, but he actually has a younger brother.

His mother was pregnant with a second child and gave birth prematurely at eight months. They said that she would live seven times and eight would not live. The family was very worried.

Then I got someone to take a look.

The elders in the family believed this, and the parents were also afraid that something might happen to the child, so they secretly kept it from being seen by others. The other party said that he could live, but they could not be known before the age of 16.

In order for the younger brother to survive, the parents concealed the news. His younger brother was raised in the countryside since he was a child, and was looked after by his grandmother. I don't know if it is really useful.

My younger brother was still extremely weak in the hospital, but after being sent to the countryside, he became more and more energetic. He is now ten years old, and apart from being a little thin, everything else is fine.

When his parents sent him to the countryside, they actually wanted to take his younger brother over.

At that time, it will be said that it is a relative's child.

If Yunhao was at home, the two children would be too conspicuous.

When Yun Hao went to the countryside, everyone knew that Director Yun and his wife were advanced in thinking, so naturally they wouldn't say much, and it didn't matter if the children of relatives stayed for a while.

But these things, he can't say.

Yun Haoping put away the messy thoughts in his mind, looked at the articles in the newspaper, his eyes were full of eagerness.

"Mr. Baimu's literary talents are really amazing. It would be great if I could meet him."

When everyone heard the words, they looked fascinated.

They also want to know what a person who has such a far-sighted vision and such a firm belief looks like.

Will it be the same as those great writers, who look genteel at first glance, maybe even wear glasses, so that they appear more cultured.

According to their guess, Mr. Baimu is at least 50 years old.

Although Hu Ziqiang also thinks that Mr. Baimu is great, he has been afraid of the teacher since he was a child. He thinks that Mr. Baimu must be a very serious little old man. When others are discussing meeting, he dare not join in the fun.

If he really had the chance to meet that serious little old man, he might be so nervous that he couldn't even speak clearly.

But he stared at Yun Hao's face for a while, feeling a little puzzled.

"Yunhao, why do I feel that your complexion is a bit bad?"

It was fine when I left in the morning, but when I came back, my face felt a little dark.

Yun Hao shook his head when he heard this, "Probably because he is sick."

"When I came back I felt groggy."

"It's my turn to cook today, Ziqiang, I'll change it with you!"

Hu Ziqiang saw that he was very uncomfortable, and immediately said: "You should go to sleep for a while! I will cook tonight."

Seeing Yun Hao fall asleep, Hu Ziqiang got up and prepared to chop firewood in the yard.

Whoever does the cooking chops the firewood, this is the rule of the educated youth.

As soon as he walked out, he saw Li Hongmei standing at the door of the female educated youth, who was looking at him excitedly.

Hu Ziqiang turned around and wanted to go back. He felt that he could not give Li Hongmei too many fantasies.

But thinking that Yun Hao is feeling uncomfortable today, he still has to cook, so he can only bite the bullet and walk out.

Li Hongmei ran out of the room in a hurry when she saw Yun Hao came back, just to take a look at Yun Hao.

In addition, she had read the calendar a long time ago, Yun Hao is cooking today.

Who knew that she was waiting here expectantly, and it was Hu Ziqiang, a little bum, who came out!

(End of this chapter)

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