A coquettish and book-worn man lives by a rough man

Chapter 369 Don't Love Me Too Much

Chapter 369 Don't Love Me Too Much
Little bastard Hu Ziqiang didn't meet Li Hongmei's eager eyes at all.

Bite the bullet and walked into the yard, silently picked up the ax and split the firewood.

He was also a cultural person before, and he only learned these farm work when he came to the Qingshan Brigade.

It's doing decently now.

Coupled with Li Hongmei watching, he didn't want to be underestimated, so he chopped wood very hard this time.

The female educated youth looked at the two people outside through the window and spoke in a low voice.

"Before Li Hongmei didn't admit that she was having an affair with Hu Ziqiang, so she had to go outside to watch every firewood, and said she didn't like it."

"If you don't like it, I'll take off my head and kick it as a ball."

The crowd took it for granted.

Talk about who you are talking about, everyone can see that these two people are still secretly hiding it from them, is it interesting?

Even if you want to keep it a secret, you two will hide something when you meet. It's so obvious that you still refuse to admit it.

The whole body is up and down, only the mouth is hard.

The male educated youths did not give in too much.

They looked at Li Hongmei eagerly looking at Hu Ziqiang, with a strange look on their faces: "I never thought before that these two people are dating."

One is ugly and the other is even uglier. If their future children inherit their appearance, the boy will be fine, but the girl will be a disaster.

In this life, I don't know whether to marry or not.

It's not that they have bad intentions.

Li Hongmei and Hu Ziqiang are shorter than the other, darker than the other, lazy than the other, and uglier than the other, but they don't think so if there is a benefit.

But after such a comparison, it is found that the two people are quite husband and wife.

It's just that Hu Ziqiang was very stubborn. He insisted on dragging them to explain that he didn't have an affair with Li Hongmei. He really thought others were blind!

But people don't admit it, and they act as if they didn't see it. In fact, they have a bottom line in their hearts.

The drowsy Yun Hao didn't know what everyone was thinking at all.

the other side.

When Xu Wenwan came back from shopping, it was too cold, and happened to meet Li Dashan, the captain of the Lijiawan next door, who came back. He saw a girl from Xu Wenwan, and after asking about it, he found out that it was the daughter of the village head, and said he would take her with him.

Xu Wenwan was also tired from walking, so if she had a bicycle to sit on, she would naturally not refuse.

As soon as he sat on it, Li Dashan, the captain of Lijiawan, spoke up.

"Do you know Gu Jiaojiao and Leng Yuan?"

Xu Wenwan: ...

She looked at the endless road, if she wasn't really tired from walking, she really didn't want to take this ride.

The man asked the question with a smile, in a tone of admiration for Gu Jiaojiao and Leng Yuan.

Xu Wenwan couldn't help touching her jumping forehead.

Wherever you go, you can hear these two names.

"Do you know me?"

Why did Li Dashan feel that the village chief's daughter was a bit stupid, she just didn't speak in a daze, maybe there is something wrong with her mind!
Xu Wenwan had no choice but to answer: "I just returned to the village not long ago, so I'm not familiar with it."

Hearing this, Li Dashan looked envious: "How can you say your village is so lucky! It would be great if Gu Jiaojiao and Leng Yuan belonged to our village."

Xu Wenwan couldn't hold back: "How lucky, Gu Jiaojiao is an educated youth who went to the countryside, and she hasn't been in the field since she came back. She is so delicate, she is not suitable for doing farm work at all."

She didn't know Gu Jiaojiao well, but she had heard a lot of gossip about Gu Jiaojiao.

Of course, when she listens to others, she listens selectively.

About belittling Gu Jiaojiao, I kept it in my heart.

As for praising Gu Jiaojiao, the left ear goes into the right ear and more comes out.

Li Dashan didn't think much about it, because he also felt that Gu Jiaojiao was not suitable for going to the ground at all.

The skin is so tender that corn leaves can be scratched, and it will only add to the mess in the field.

"you are right."

But people have brains, and if they turn their brains around casually, they can resist others for several years.

If such a good seedling is given to him, the advanced village quota of this year's brigade will be theirs.


(End of this chapter)

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