A coquettish and book-worn man lives by a rough man

Chapter 370 The application quota must be won

Chapter 370 The application quota must be won
Xu Wenwan didn't expect that Li Dashan didn't like Gu Jiaojiao at all. When she said bad things about Gu Jiaojiao, the other party actually agreed with her. Could it be that she heard it wrong at first.

Xu Wenwan felt that she must have heard wrong.

Interested now.

"Gu Jiaojiao is not only lazy, but also has bad intentions. She misses other people's houses. In name, she adopted two children, but no one knows that she wants other people's houses."

This is about Sweetie and Xiaoyang's house.

Li Dashan: ...

"There is also Leng Yuan, who has a withdrawn personality, always has a cold face, and doesn't know how to be a teacher."

Li Dashan: ...

Whoever said being a teacher has to laugh, a serious teacher is also a good teacher.

Seeing that Li Dashan didn't refute, Xu Wenwan thought she had found a bosom friend, and when she saw him riding a bicycle to her family's brigade, she immediately spoke up.

"You can just send me here, and I will walk back the rest of the way."

She didn't dare to take the things she bought back.

Otherwise, if her father saw it, she would have to throw it out!

Li Dashan didn't stop: "It's okay, I happened to have something to do with Village Chief Xu and the captain."

When Xu Wenwan heard that this person was looking for her father, she became even more anxious and yelled directly.

"Stop the car quickly, I'm going down, I have other things to do."

Li Dashan stopped the car, he saw Xu Wenwan, a little girl who was kind enough to help with so many things, why didn't she know what to do!

Xu Wenwan hugged her belongings and got off the bicycle with a displeased expression on her face.

"I told you to stop, really, it's a waste of time to walk."

Li Dashan: ...

Village head Xu is a nice person, why is this daughter so rude.

Xu Wenwan didn't pay attention to his ugly face at all, and walked in the opposite direction holding her own things.

Li Dashan became angry for no reason, and then he didn't care about it for no reason.

Forget it.

It's not his daughter, if it's unlucky, it has to be Village Chief Xu.

The village room of Qingshan Brigade.

Chen Beiguo came back with the documents, scratching his hair, while his aunt stared heavily at the application in front of him.

How should he write so that it can be gorgeous yet elegant, simple and rich in connotation, and how can he let the county magistrate see his inner calling to raise pigs!

When Village Chief Xu walked in, he saw Chen Beiguo in pain.

The foot that has just stepped into the door is ready to withdraw.

This must have a literary background, so he still doesn't get involved.

After all, he only had elementary school education, and he only studied science, and he didn't understand liberal arts.

Just as Village Chief Xu was about to turn around, Chen Beiguo inadvertently raised his head, saw his footsteps about to go, and immediately made a sound.

"Uncle, you are here."

After finishing speaking, Fan Du had a bright smile on his face.

Village Chief Xu twitched.

If you have something to do, you will be uncle, if you have nothing to do, you will be village head Xu.

Chen Beiguo is very slippery, he won't be fooled.

But everyone is a village committee, so we still have to do superficial work.

"Beiguo! I heard people say that you went to Leng Yuan, why did you come back so soon, and the application is finished?"

It's okay not to mention this matter, but when it comes to this matter, he doubts whether Leng Yuan and Gu Jiaojiao are fighting now.

Gu Jiaojiao's delicate body did not know whether it would be broken by Leng Yuan.

Thinking about it this way, Chen Beiguo felt a little regretful.

If I had known it earlier, I wouldn't have run away because of a guilty conscience, and I could still fight if I stayed.

Thinking of this, Chen Beiguo couldn't sit still.

"Uncle, you can help me with the application. I really can't think of any good words."

Village head Xu praised him when he heard this: "Beiguo, you don't have to be modest. Who doesn't know that you have a good literary talent. Except for Leng Yuan, you are the best literary talent in the whole brigade. Write an application, and I will trust you."

Climb relationships, you climb and I also climb.

(End of this chapter)

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