A coquettish and book-worn man lives by a rough man

Chapter 374 It's Too Difficult

Village head Xu's former daughter, Xu Huihui, was met by Li Dashan. Although she doesn't like to talk, she is quiet, well-behaved and polite, and she looks good.

Seeing Xu Wenwan today was an eye-opener for him.

Although Xu Wenwan was better-looking than Xu Huihui, her character was a lot worse, and she seemed unreliable at first glance.

Village head Xu has such a daughter, and the things to worry about in the future are yet to come!

How could he not be sympathetic.

It's just that he can't say it.

Li Dashan sighed, shook his head and left.

Village Chief Xu: ...

He looked puzzled.

Then he pointed to Li Dashan's leaving back and asked Chen Beiguo: "What does he mean?"

Watching him sigh and shake his head.

Chen Beiguo was still excited, when he heard Village Chief Xu's question, he immediately answered.

"I'm jealous."

"I didn't expect our village to be selected as an advanced village. He lost his mind."

Village head Xu felt that what Chen Beiguo said made sense, but also felt that it was not the case at all.

But besides the advanced village, what else could it be?

He has no friendship with Li Dashan, so what can happen!

Village head Xu couldn't figure it out.

Xu family.

Xu Wenwan got Dong XZ up, and when she got home, she found that there was no one in the yard.

I went around the house, and except for her mother who was sewing clothes, her father was not at home at all.

Now Xu Wenwan is happy.

Immediately ran out, carried the hidden things home, and went directly into the room.

Now this room has been occupied by her.

The eldest brother's daughter has been sleeping in the eldest room's room, which made Chen Xiaoli dislike this sister-in-law even more.

Xu Chongfeng was still struggling to squeeze in with the child.

Fortunately, he had discussed with Village Chief Xu that he would start building a house when it gets warmer next year.

He could only bear it any longer.

Xu Wenwan put the things back in the room, and went to clean up the saponins. When Chen Xiumin heard the movement and came out of the room, she frowned when she saw her tossing again.

"Didn't your father let you do these things?"

Xu Wenwan's eyes moved: "I smashed these things to wash clothes. When I was in the city before, everyone smashed things and boiled them. When they became sticky, they grabbed them and washed them. I think it's so convenient. .”

Chen Xiumin looked suspicious.

In the countryside, these things are directly smashed and used, and they are not so particular.

But she didn't know the details of the city, so she just let her go.

Xu Wenwan tapped part of the saponins and started to work.

Afraid of being found out, she took the saponins to her room after processing them.

Now that the model and materials are available, Xu Wenwan began to prepare them.

The weather is cold now, and the face soap solidifies very quickly. The first time the preparation was successful, Xu Wenwan almost jumped up in excitement.

"Sure enough, I'm a genius."

The system looked at the narcissistic Xu Wenwan in the space, speechless.

to be frank.

If possible, it would rather bind Xu Wenwan's cousin than her.

From Xu Wenwan's memory, it knew how powerful its cousin was.

The daughter of a wealthy family can speak four languages, seven or eight musical instruments, can cook, design, draw, read people, and find teachers.

Diligent and talented, if it binds to such a host, it may have completed the task long ago and become a main body. It no longer needs to be bound to the host, and it can already actively absorb other people's luck by itself.

It really missed it this time.

Escaping from the main god, it fled to a small world in a hurry. This book is a group favorite, and the people around the protagonist are all children of luck. It bound Xu Wenwan according to the plot. I thought it would be smooth sailing to absorb luck. How could I know? The book just fell apart.

It sometimes suspects that it has influenced the direction of the book.

The system sighed, the group pet turned into a group abuse, it was too difficult. (end of this chapter)

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