Chapter 375

Xu Wenwan pushed the mold under her bed, afraid of being discovered, and blocked something outside to completely block the mold.

After she was done with all this, it was time for dinner, and she looked at the corn mush in the pot with a disgusted look on her face.

Xu Wenwan can also cook.

In the past, Gu Jiaojiao liked to cook, and she cooked it very well. She also ate it once, and she was amazed at that time.

Later she also went to learn cooking.

It's just that she doesn't have the willpower, and she finds it troublesome after a few days of learning, and finally it doesn't matter.

But the meals she made were at least better than those at this time.

She really wants to cook for herself, but there is only a little oil at home, and her mother locks it in the cabinet every day, so she can't even get the oil, and she can't even eat fried steamed buns.

Xu Wenwan looked at the lack of oil and water in front of the dishes, her face was pale.

She couldn't help but said: "Mother, didn't we share a lot of wild meat? Why don't we eat it?"

Chen Xiumin didn't raise her head: "That's for the Chinese New Year."

"But today there is meat to eat."

With that said, Chen Xiumin took the chicken nuggets from the cooker, put them in the pan and stir-fried them for a while, and in an instant, the smell of the meat came out.

Xu Wenwan almost salivated at the sight.

"Mom, where did you get the chicken?"

"This was sent by Leng Yuan and Gu Jiaojiao when they got married. This child is so polite. Your sister-in-law went to help, and she even sent chicken over to thank you."

She had heard about it before, only those who help have it.

I have to say that this behavior is very impressive.

Chen Xiumin's words were all about admiration for Gu Jiaojiao.

"You can also associate with Gu Zhiqing more in the future. Gu Zhiqing is smart and educated. You should learn more from him!"

Xu Wenwan was with Gu Jiaojiao, maybe she could be taken care of by Gu Jiaojiao.

Thinking of this, Chen Xiumin felt that this idea was more and more good.

Xu Wenwan: ...

Although she has doubted countless times whether this book was pirated by someone else, after all, the plot has gone so far.

In her novel, the original owner and Yun Hao really love each other, and they are a very promising couple in the village, but Gu Jiaojiao always jumps around in front of Yun Hao and tries every means to seduce Yun Hao.

The villagers with long eyes could tell that everyone hated Gu Jiaojiao very much.

Especially the Xu family.

Because she and Yun Hao were childhood sweethearts, the two wanted to talk about each other, but Gu Jiaojiao always seduced Yun Hao, which aroused the Xu family's disgust. In the Xu family, as long as Gu Jiaojiao was mentioned, no one agreed.

The first to bear the brunt is Chen Xiumin.

He hates Gu Jiaojiao the most.

But now, she actually keeps praising Gu Jiaojiao, saying that she is smart and educated.

Is this plot still available?
Xu Wenwan was so angry that she turned her face immediately.

"Mother, you are too unintentional, isn't it just a few pieces of chicken, as if no one has eaten meat, you really think she is a good person, I have heard that she pursued Yun Hao before, and then seduced Leng Yuan , if the two of them hadn't done such a shameful thing, how could they have gotten married!"

Chen Xiumin was very angry: "No matter what you did before, if you are married, you can get married if you have the ability!"

"I go to the educated youth spot every day to find someone. Do you not know what your own reputation is like?"

Don't look at yourself before talking about others.

Who in the village didn't say that she was often with Yunhao and that her reputation was worse than Gu Jiaojiao's, so she had the nerve to say Gu Jiaojiao.

The more Chen Xiumin thought about it, the angrier she became.

When she goes out now, the mother-in-law often talks about Yun Hao and Xu Wenwan in front of her, and also says that if the two of them are willing, they should settle down quickly. She was going to die of anger at that time.

It's just because my daughter just came back, she may not know much about the things in the village, and because she grew up with Yun Hao, she didn't think much about it.

But she saved Xu Wenwan's face, but Xu Wenwan pushed her nose on her face.

Xu Wenwan was so angry that she burst into tears. She didn't eat the meal immediately, and ran into the room directly.

(End of this chapter)

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