"Wen Wan, I'm sorry for you."

Yun Hao looked at the sad Xu Wenwan in front of him guiltily.

Once, he also thought that Xu Wenwan, whom he had always liked, even rejected Gu Jiaojiao many times for her sake.

But now, he understood what he wanted.

He wanted to win back Jiaojiao.

He wanted to apologize to Gu Jiaojiao and get Gu Jiaojiao's forgiveness.

Facing Xu Wenwan's request for a hug, Yun Hao subconsciously wants to refuse.

Seeing Yun Hao's hesitation, Xu Wenwan almost went crazy with anger.

The jealousy in his heart grew wildly, and the fake expression on his face was almost unbearable.

It was Yun Hao who first apologized to her.

That being the case, don't blame her.

Xu Wenwan took the initiative to step forward and grabbed Yun Hao's hand.

Yun Hao's body stiffened for a moment, and he wanted to shake off, but because of the guilt in his heart, he couldn't bear to be so cruel to Xu Wenwan, so he didn't push Xu Wenwan away.

Five seconds later.

The system laughed.

It crazily sucked the luck from Yunhao's body.

It knew that this time, Xu Wenwan would not give up halfway.

A woman's jealousy is really easy to use.

In fact, he lied to Xu Wenwan about everything just now.

It can't check the favorability at all, it just wants to drive Xu Wenwan crazy, so as to absorb Yunhao's luck.

After all, it is the male protagonist of this book, and his luck is also very good.

Yun Hao's luck is yellow.

Yellow luck symbolizes wealth and power, and it is second only to purple luck. However, Yunhao now only has innate luck, no acquired luck, and his luck is not particularly strong.

If he wanted to achieve the luck of the day after tomorrow, he had to wait until Yun Hao had wealth and power. Correspondingly, Yun Hao's luck at that time would not be so easy to absorb.

It is against the law of heaven to deprive others of luck. It has not been so powerful since it left the main god. If Yunhao has acquired luck, it needs to wait until Yunhao is particularly weak if he wants to absorb Yunhao's luck. , only then, otherwise, you will get backlash.

Except for Yunhao's yellow luck.

There are five kinds of luck in this world, which are very good luck.

The first is the purple luck. Since ancient times, purple has always represented the aura of the emperor. The purple aura is entangled. It is not a talent of an emperor, but a sage. It is a symbol of success and power.

Ziqi belongs to first-class luck.

As long as ordinary people get involved, they are also outstanding people who succeed on one hand at the last time.

Below the purple qi is the yellow qi, which represents wealth and power. People with yellow qi have smooth careers, abundant financial resources, and future achievements should not be underestimated.

The red air below the yellow air represents success, health, and happiness. People with red air will have very good luck from childhood to adulthood. Although they will not be rich and wealthy, they are also small rich and small nobles, and they are healthy, long-lived, happy and well-being people .

The red face is blue qi. Although people with blue qi cannot become successful introductions in the world, people with this kind of luck will automatically find people with purple and yellow qi and follow them around. This kind of luck is also rare. of.

The last is the green energy. This kind of person is healthy, long-lived and happy. Although it is not as good as the previous types of luck, it can be stable for a lifetime and easily live to more than 100 years old.

These six kinds of luck in this world are very good luck.

Except for these very few lucky ones, the luck of ordinary people is white and light yellow, or light green or light blue. This kind of person is relatively ordinary, a member of the crowd.

In addition to excellent and average luck, there is also particularly bad luck.

This is something the system is very afraid of.

For example, black luck, this kind of luck is very bad. People with black luck are plagued by bad luck. Even friends who are not related by blood, anyone who is close to him will inevitably end up in a tragic end. This kind of person is also very smart, and it is easy to go on the road of no return and kill more people.

The system strengthens itself by absorbing good luck. If it absorbs bad luck, it will be directly wiped out by the main god. (end of this chapter)

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