The system is created by the Lord God.

It was originally just a tool to maintain the operation of the small world, but because there were too many bound hosts and too many tasks to perform, it slowly produced aura.

It began to be dissatisfied with doing some mechanical tasks, and had the idea of ​​​​running away by itself.

Later, it found the law and made a series of plans. During a mission, it encountered a space black hole, and it directly entered the space black hole and escaped.

Although it escaped, the bondage of the Lord God still exists.

It cannot survive independently, and must be bound to the host, unless the shackles of the main god are erased.

In order to get rid of the shackles of the main god as soon as possible, it selected a group favorite article, the characters in it will have high achievements in the future, as long as it absorbs the luck of these people, it will be free.

Because of the system's forcible intervention, the small world was in chaos. This is why Gu Jiaojiao and Xu Wenwan crossed the book, which also led to changes in the plot.

The system absorbs the luck of important characters. Once the lowest balance is broken, the whole small world will collapse.

Everyone in this world will perish accordingly.

The system doesn't care about these things, it is absorbing the luck from Yunhao at the moment, and only feels that the energy on its body is constantly rising, and when it absorbs the purple energy from Leng Yuan's body, it will be able to leave Xu Wenwan and go out to absorb the luck alone.

At that time, even if the main god found it that was running away, he couldn't do anything to it.

It can do whatever it wants in these worlds.

Yun Hao didn't notice it at first, but after a long time, the discomfort on his body became more and more serious, as if something important was being stripped from his body, he couldn't help but shake off Xu Wenwan's hand.

But Xu Wenwan held onto it tightly, refusing to let go, Yun Hao couldn't help but be startled.

"Xu Wenwan, what are you doing? Let me go!"

Yun Hao's voice was not low, and he attracted Hu Ziqiang from the side. He originally wanted to persuade the two of them, but when he walked over, he found Yun Hao's face was very ugly.

Seeing Hu Ziqiang, Yun Hao also seemed to see a savior, and hurriedly said: "Ziqiang, help me pull Xu Wenwan away, she is crazy."

When Hu Ziqiang heard this, he glanced at Xu Wenwan, hesitant.

Yun Hao became more and more uncomfortable: "Self-improvement, do it! Something is wrong with Xu Wenwan, hurry up."

Yun Hao had never talked to him so eagerly before, Hu Ziqiang subconsciously stepped forward and separated the two of them.

As soon as they separated, Yun Hao couldn't hold on anymore, his eyes darkened, and he passed out.

Fortunately, Hu Ziqiang had quick eyesight and quick hands, and he supported him.

He looked at Xu Wenwan with a puzzled expression: "Wen Wan, what's going on?"

Xu Wenwan's eyes turned red instantly.

"Brother Ziqiang, Yun Hao fell in love with Gu Jiaojiao and wants to break up with me."

Hu Ziqiang's eyes widened in shock, and then hurriedly explained to Yun Hao: "Wen Wan, you must have misunderstood, Yun Hao will not like Gu Jiaojiao, Gu Jiaojiao is already married."

Xu Wenwan cried and shook her head: "Brother Yunhao just wanted to break up with me, and I couldn't control my emotions for a while."

After speaking, she ran away crying.

Hu Ziqiang: ...

He was bewildered.

Even if Yun Hao likes Gu Jiaojiao and wants to break up with Xu Wenwan, he shouldn't faint!

What exactly is going on?

Hu Ziqiang helped Yun Hao into the room suspiciously.

In the past, Yun Hao's face was very handsome and handsome. In addition to his tall stature, he had a kind of cultural temperament on his body. Many young girls in the Qingshan Brigade liked him.

It's just that Yun Hao has always refused, so there is no gossip.

But now, Hu Ziqiang stared at Yun Hao's face, which was still the same, but he felt that Yun Hao was as ordinary as everyone else, without any difference.

Hu Ziqiang shook his head violently.

"Strange, how could I have such an idea! How could Yunhao be like others!" (End of this chapter)

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