Not to mention Yun Hao's excellent family background, he himself is also very good.

He admires Mr. Baimu and also likes to write manuscripts. He often writes some works and submits them. Although he is not as powerful as Mr. Baimu, he has also published many articles in municipal newspapers, which is quite good for the current policy.

As for the entire educated youth point, the essays are excellent, and only Li Fenggu can compare with him.

How could he be an ordinary person.

Hu Ziqiang put Yun Hao on his bed, and the educated youths around were shocked when they saw it.

"What happened to Yunhao?"

Hu Ziqiang shook his head: "I don't know, I just fainted suddenly."

Several educated youths looked at each other, not knowing what to do!
"Why don't you go to see Dr. Liu?"

Hu Ziqiang nodded.

"Then you guys help me look at it, I'll go find Dr. Liu now."

After he finished speaking, he hurried out of the dormitory.

Xu Wenwan didn't care about the fainted Yun Hao, and after running out of the educated youth spot, she returned home with a gloomy face.

She sucked Yun Hao's luck away today, so she doesn't plan to marry Yun Hao anymore.

After all, the current Yun Hao has lost the luck of the hero and has become an ordinary person. If he likes Gu Jiaojiao, then go for it!

It was impossible for her to marry him anyway.

She wants to become excellent and better-looking, making Yun Hao regret it.

Xu Wenwan thought so, and entered the house.

As soon as he entered the yard, he saw her mother standing in the yard holding a willow stick, staring at her with burning eyes.

Xu Wenwan: ...

It must be the wrong way to open it, otherwise why would she see her mother looking like she wanted to beat her to death!
She backed out, opened the door again and walked in.

Chen Xiumin walked forward holding the wicker.

Xu Wenwan closed her eyes, these people, why do they always like to do things, there are some things that they can't talk about properly.

It's so vulgar.

Chen Xiumin was not polite to her, stepped forward, raised the willow stick and whipped it.

I don't know how long this wicker has been used. It is dark and shiny, and its toughness is particularly good. Xu Wenwan is wearing thick clothes, and she can still feel the numb pain in her back.

Chen Xiumin smoked twice, but also felt that it was useless, so she stopped immediately.

Xu Wenwan breathed a sigh of relief.

Just when she was about to speak, she heard her mother say.

"Take off the padded jacket."

Xu Wenwan: ...

This is to take off the padded jacket and beat her.

Xu Wenwan didn't move, with a bitter face: "Mother, what's wrong with you, I did a lot of housework today! Why do you still beat me, am I your biological daughter, you will break me like this .”

When Chen Xiumin heard this, the anger in her heart could no longer be suppressed and burst out.

"I wish you were not my daughter. How could I give birth to such a shameless thing like you? Why did you go to seduce Leng Yuan? Why?"

As she spoke, the wicker in her hand pointed at Xu Wenwan's nose with a deterrent effect.

When Xu Wenwan heard about this, she immediately felt a little guilty, and then felt that she hadn't seduced Leng Yuan at all. This matter was a misunderstanding, so she immediately began to explain.

"Mother, I didn't seduce Leng Yuan, don't listen to those people talking nonsense, they just don't like me."

Chen Xiumin didn't listen, and asked Xu Wenwan to take off the padded jacket she was wearing.

Xu Wenwan screamed from being whipped, tears came out instantly.

"Mother, I'm your daughter. You don't believe me, but you actually believe those outsiders. They just don't want me to have an easy life."

Chen Xiumin turned a deaf ear, and her men became more ruthless.

The daughter still has the strength to speak, which proves that her strength is light.

In the end, Xu Wenwan was so pumped that she burst into tears. She was out of breath from crying, and wished she could pass out immediately.

Chen Xiumin was not optimistic about Xu Wenwan and Yun Hao's affairs before, but now she thinks Yun Hao is also good. (end of this chapter)

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