A coquettish and book-worn man lives by a rough man

Chapter 391 Gu Jiaojiao is busy making money

300 yuan face soap, but a big project.

It was rare for Gu Jiaojiao to get up early in the morning, and began to process the saponins that had been hoarded before.

In the past, Gu Jiaojiao was the only one working alone.

Now with the help of Tianniu and Xiaoyang, she is much faster.

In addition to saponins and herbs, Gu Jiaojiao also dried a lot.

After processing the saponins and herbs, start to boil.

Previously, Gu Jiaojiao used clay pots at home to boil saponins and medicinal materials, and clay pots were relatively slow, so Leng Yuan asked Lu Yuanbin to find a way to buy her a big iron pot. sent over.

Gu Jiaojiao built a shelf in the yard, put the iron pot on it, and lit a fire underneath.

There are a lot of facial soaps for 300 yuan. With this iron pot, all the medicinal materials of 300 yuan facial soap can be cooked in one go.

In addition to medicinal materials, saponin also takes a lot of time to cook.

Gu Jiaojiao is very strict about the heat.

After all, if it is too short, the effect will be worse.

In her previous life, she opened her own skin care product company, as well as a skin care product research and development base and her own factory, which are self-sufficient, so she knows better.

If you want to spread word of mouth, quality is definitely the first.

Skin care products are different from other products. They cannot be used as one-time customers. They must be effective, so that people can buy them back.

This thing is not like food, no matter if it tastes good or not, as long as it can fill your stomach, there will be no shortage of buyers.

Skin care products are not just needed at this time, they are already dispensable for everyone, if the effect is not good, there will be absolutely no sales.

A foundation that can impress customers: genuine goods at a fair price.

When Gu Jiaojiao was making face soap, Tian Niu looked at her operation curiously, her big eyes twinkling, very cute.

Sweetie has changed a lot lately.

Before, she was dark and thin, with no flesh on her face, and she looked dirty and unattractive.

Since following Gu Jiaojiao, she ate fine grains and meat every day. She has gained some weight, her skin has become fairer and tenderer, her cheeks have flesh, her eyes are big, and she is a bit more handsome.

The same is true for Xiaoyang, his skinny body has grown fleshy, and in just a short period of time, he has also grown a little taller, looking a lot stronger.

Both Tianniu and Xiaoyang have good-looking facial features, and it is not difficult to see from their eyebrows that their parents must also be good-looking people.

Seeing Tianni looking at her with admiration, Gu Jiaojiao couldn't help but smile and pinch Tianniu's face, it was fleshy and felt very good.

She squeezed twice, with a little smile on her face.

"Our sweetie is so beautiful!"

Tian Niu was a little shy when she was praised, if it was changed to before, she would definitely bow her head shyly, not knowing how to respond.

Now she is also used to being praised, and she has become more confident.

After being praised by Gu Jiaojiao, Tian Niu blinked her big eyes and looked serious.

"Sisters are good-looking."

In her heart, Gu Jiaojiao is the most beautiful girl.

Gu Jiaojiao's heart was soft, what kind of fairy sister is this, capable, hardworking, and able to make her happy.

"My sweet girl's mouth is too sweet!"

After Gu Jiaojiao finished speaking, she also pinched Xiaoyang's cheek and boasted with a smile.

"Our Xiaoyang has also become handsome, do you think my sister is pretty?"

Xiaoyang's eyes were shining, and he nodded quickly when he heard Gu Jiaojiao's question.

He was a little anxious, because he couldn't speak, and he didn't say a lot of things he wanted to say.

But Gu Jiaojiao never treats one favorably than another, praises together when boasting, works together when working, and eats together when eating, there is absolutely no such thing as big ones giving way to small ones.

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