It is a tradition for brothers to respect brothers and sisters. The premise is that one can love the younger brother, and the other must also respect the elder sister. With Gu Jiaojiao, there is no such thing as one who pays, and one who ideally enjoys it.

So when Tian Niu took care of Xiao Yang, Gu Jiaojiao would teach Xiao Yang to love her sister too.

When Xiaoyang misses Tianniu, Gu Jiaojiao will tell Tianniu to love her younger brother.

In the yard, one big and two young were having fun, and there was constant laughter in the yard.

Not far from the door, Chen Yan and Chen Shulan met, and the two came together.

They had nothing else to do, they just came out to gossip and take a look at how Gu Jiaojiao was living.

The two looked at the courtyard where they couldn't see anything, and whispered together.

"I thought that when Leng Yuan's uncle came back, he would be able to leave the Qingshan Brigade and become a citizen of the city. Now it seems that there is no use for this uncle to come back, and he can only stay here."

It was Chen Yan who said this.

When Leng Yuan's father was still there, he had a good relationship with their family, and the two families usually have close contacts.

Since Leng Yuan's father passed away, and Leng Yuan owed so many foreign debts, the Wang family has never been in contact with Leng Yuan again.

The last time I saw Uncle Leng Yuan came back, not to mention that he was still a senior official, she was so jealous that she didn't fall asleep for several nights, because she was afraid that Leng Yuan would leave the countryside with Uncle Leng Yuan and go to the city. day.

She thought about it day and night, and her eyes were always on this side.

After observing for several days, I found that Leng Yuan's life was the same as before, without any change.

She was finally relieved.

Knowing that Leng Yuan can't live the life of a city dweller, her heart is at ease.

Only after being so happy did he have the mood to pay attention to his surroundings, and then he saw Chen Shulan.

Like her, this person also stared at Leng Yuan's house.

Chen Shulan also found out about Chen Yan, and it was a little embarrassing to be found out about her little thoughts at first.

But at the moment when their eyes met, they felt like they hated seeing each other later.

That feeling is the taste of a confidant in life.

The two almost burst into tears.

Obviously they are all from the same village, why did they only meet after so many years!
After a bit of twitching, the two came together and began to discuss matters about Leng Yuan's family.

After talking, they couldn't help admiring each other.

There is a saying that the opinions of heroes are the same.

That's what happened to them two.

The view towards Leng Yuan's family is the same.


From staring at each other, to two people teaming up to stare at Leng Yuan's house.

Watching and discussing at the same time!

That's what Chen Yan said.

Chen Shulan thought so deeply.

"It's just that, I thought they could really be lucky! Now it seems that it is impossible."

"Gu Jiaojiao eats too much and is lazy. Leng Yuan has a bit of work as a teacher. It's okay to raise Gu Jiaojiao, and now she is raising two children who are free to eat. Look! They probably will run out of food soon."

Thinking that Leng Yuan and Gu Jiaojiao would have no food to eat, the two looked at each other and burst out laughing.

As long as they think of the dizziness and dizziness of the two people, they feel as if they have eaten a elixir, and they feel comfortable.

"That's for sure, Gu Jiaojiao's unlucky days are coming!"

They were jealous of Gu Jiaojiao's good looks and married the most powerful man in the village.

Especially after Gu Jiaojiao got married and was pampered by men, she didn't have to do any work.

Every time I see that fair and tender face, it goes without saying that I know how happy my life is.

They were so jealous that they felt sour in their hearts.

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