In the entire Qingshan brigade, I have never seen a man who dotes on his wife so much, they are not convinced!

What's wrong with them, isn't it that they look worse than Gu Jiaojiao, are not as educated as Gu Jiaojiao, and their family background is not as good as Gu Jiaojiao's, but they are also women, so they shouldn't be pampered.

Chen Yan and Chen Shulan muttered to each other for a long time, and the smiles on their faces became deeper and deeper.

No need to get close to know that the two of them must be talking ill of Gu Jiaojiao.

The more I talked, the happier I was.

The two belittled Gu Jiaojiao, hoping for Gu Jiaojiao's bad luck.

It seemed that if Gu Jiaojiao was unlucky, they would be able to benefit.

Gu Jiaojiao didn't know anything about the careful thoughts of the two people outside, but even if she knew, she would just drive them away with a kitchen knife and would not talk nonsense with them.

She has never liked to be quick to talk.

In the afternoon, the 300 yuan face soap was finally boiled. Gu Jiaojiao poured all of them into the mold. Leng Yuan made all the molds she drew before. It is still enough to make 300 yuan face soap of.

After all the 300 yuan face soap was poured into the mold and placed outside to set the shape, they were all moved to the firewood room and covered.

The cauldron in the yard was also neatly cleaned up, and Gu Jiaojiao started cooking dinner after cleaning the yard.

Dinner is still very rich.

Erhe noodles steamed buns, millet pumpkin porridge, a large pot of red-braised rabbit meat and a few refreshing side dishes.

Tianniu and Xiaoyang were not reluctant to eat at the beginning, and they could see that the food at the sister's house was really good. The two of them are young now, and they can't repay the elder sister. When they grow up, they must repay the elder sister well. elder sister.

The two little guys set a goal, and usually take over all the work at home, as long as it is within their ability, they will definitely do a particularly good job.

After dinner, the captain of the brigade came and informed Leng Yuan to go to the county for a meeting the next day.

Words revealed that the advanced villages had joined their brigade this time.

Chen Beiguo knew that the reason why he was rated as an advanced village this time was because of Leng Yuan and Gu Jiaojiao.

This time the autumn harvest rained, and many brigades lost food. They didn't know if they could last until the next summer harvest, and their lives were tight.

As for the Qingshan brigade, there was no loss of food at all, and they helped other brigades recover the losses, so the advanced village fell to their village.

With such a calculation, it is not the credit of Leng Yuan and Gu Jiaojiao.

Chen Beiguo sent the message and left.

Gu Jiaojiao was quite happy to hear that the Qingshan Brigade was rated as an advanced brigade.

She came through the book, alone, and then had a relationship with Leng Yuan in a daze. During these days, she got along very happily with the people in Qingshan Brigade, and she really regarded this place as her home.

When the home is well, she is naturally happy.

Because Leng Yuan was going to the county the next day, he took 300 yuan of face soap with him.

Fearing that others would find out, Leng Yuan directly put the things in the sack.

There were no outsiders on the road, only Village Chief Xu, Captain Leng Yuan, and the accountant.

So no one asked what Leng Yuan was going to do.

Gu Jiaojiao got up early in the morning, and after eating, she was free. She simply took a book to read, and taught Tianniu and Xiaoyang a few new words along the way.

By the way, two people counted.

It was the first time Tian Niu came into contact with mathematics, and she understood how to add one number to another number, but it was the other way around, and another number was added to a number, which was obviously just a change of position between the two numbers, so she couldn't count.

Gu Jiaojiao was not in a hurry and asked her to count slowly.

It was Xiaoyang who surprised her.

Obviously it is the first time to learn arithmetic, but after she taught it twice, Xiaoyang can draw inferences from one instance to another, and some of them have not been taught to him, and he has already tentatively written out the answers.

Gu Jiaojiao glanced at it, and it was quite correct.

This surprised her very much.

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