The matter of the advanced village has been decided.

Next is the number of pigs.

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, they didn't expect to discuss this matter now.

Chen Beiguo's excitement just now disappeared in an instant.

His application hasn't been submitted yet!
Although there were villages affected by the disaster, several villages around the Qingshan brigade were intact.

Especially Lijiawan.

The thresher was borrowed for the first time, and there was not much loss at all.

Chen Beiguo approached Leng Yuan: "Leng Yuan, hurry up and think about the speech about robbing pigs. No matter how you say it this time, we have to rob a few more pigs."

Leng Yuan glanced at Chen Beiguo.

Finally, he understood why the other party brought him with him.

The people in the Qingshan Brigade are good, and their overall ability is also good. Snatching pigs is really good for their brigade.

Leng Yuan didn't refute.

The county magistrate talked about raising pigs.

"In the past, this matter would be put together for everyone to discuss in detail."

"This time the food in many places has been affected, so the number of places for raising pigs is up to us to discuss and decide."

When these words came out, many people were dumbfounded.

The matter has been decided.

Chen Beiguo couldn't help looking at Leng Yuan.

Originally, he had found someone who could talk and wanted to raise pigs, but they had already made up their minds.

It's like preparing a lot, and the last one is useless.

Seeing Chen Beiguo looking at him all the time, Leng Yuan thought it was implying that he was vying for a place to raise pigs.

This matter was originally decided.

But the captain wanted to fight for it, and he didn't refuse.

Let's see what the leader has to say.

The county magistrate first announced the basic situation in the village.

There are a total of more than [-] villages under their county seat, of which more than [-] villages are affected, and more than a dozen villages are not affected.

There is no need to think about the twenty or so villages. The leadership team directly asked the remaining dozen villages to discuss how to adjust.

"This time there are [-] piglets in total. How do you think they should be distributed?"

Among the dozen or so villages, there are seven or eight villages that can raise sheep.

The geographical environment of these villages is good, and they are surrounded by a large grassland. There is nothing controversial about this.

It is to fight for raising pigs.

Li Dashan spoke first.

"Village chief, the number of pigs raised in our village is never less than [-] each year. Over the years, our mission has been accomplished very well. I think our village will do the same this time."

The rest of the villages also hurriedly opened their mouths.

"Village chief, our village is fine. There are dozens of sheep in Lijiawan, and the number of pigs should be less. Why don't we give fifty pigs to our village?"

As soon as the words came out.

Others quit.

"You want 200 heads. With so many villages left, we can only divide them into [-] heads. You will settle the score. I don't agree with such a division. I think our village is strong enough, so we can ask for [-] heads."

Everyone took turns to speak, and no one was optimistic about anyone else.

When he arrived at the Qingshan Brigade, Chen Beiguo touched Leng Yuan and winked at him.

What Chen Beiguo meant was for Leng Yuan to speak well and play well, and he didn't have so many demands, just thirty piglets for their brigade would be enough.

As for fifty, it is impossible. If they can grab thirty for the quota of three hundred pigs in more than a dozen villages, it will be good.

While Leng Yuan winked, he also glanced at Li Dashan several times, with a cold and disdainful expression.

He thought about it for a while, and thought that Chen Beiguo might think that fifty pigs were a bit small.

A few seconds after Leng Yuan stood up, the belly draft was basically typed. (end of this chapter)

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