A coquettish and book-worn man lives by a rough man

Chapter 398 He Said It Doesn't Work Anymore?

Leng Yuan knew that three hundred pigs were not enough.

It is impossible to raise [-] pigs in the village. In the past, the number of pigs raised was [-]. Lijiawan could only get [-] pigs. This year, there are only [-] pigs, which is less than half of last year. ten pigs.

At the end of the year, half of the [-] pigs will be handed over. Qingshan brigade will kill two pigs and sell the rest for money.

Leng Yuan pays close attention to the outside news on weekdays, and the newspaper office will tell him about some outside forms, including a white pig imported from abroad.

It is said that more than 200 catties can be raised in half a year. Although the quality of the meat is not as good as that of domestic black pork, food and clothing are generally a problem now, and who would be picky about the quality.

There is quantity first, and the big problem of eating is solved first.

If it is sold in half a year, everyone will be able to eat meat in the future.

Some information about the white pig flashed through Leng Yuan's mind.

It would be a good thing for them if their village could also introduce white pigs.

But the white pig thing.He still has to trouble his uncle.

Thinking of this, Leng Yuan had an idea.

It is naturally impossible for him to want dozens of white pigs at one time, but he can get a few breeding pigs, and then send the breeding pigs back when they are pregnant with piglets.

I'm afraid no one will refuse this.

Leng Yuan made up his mind, but he didn't have time to elaborate with Chen Beiguo, so it was his turn to speak.

He stood up with a cold and steady voice.

"The output of the Qingshan Brigade this year has increased by 20.00% compared to last year. Last year's output has allowed the people of the entire Qingshan Brigade to live well and be rich. The 20.00% increase this year can be fully invested in the pig raising industry."

"In addition, there is still a piece of wasteland around the Qingshan Brigade that can be reclaimed, which can ensure that next year's production will be more than this year's."

"According to these calculations, our village can feed at least a hundred pigs."

What the hell?
Do you need a hundred pigs for a village?
Do other villages still need to raise them?
If the other brigade quit, they naturally couldn't let the Qingshan brigade raise a hundred pigs, and they would immediately explode.

Not to mention the other brigades, even Chen Beiguo and the county magistrate were taken aback by what Leng Yuan said.

There are [-] head in total, Qingshan brigade wants [-] head, other villages can't fight against the sky?
Leng Yuan hadn't finished speaking.

"I know [-] pigs, a dozen brigades are not enough points, so we don't want any of these [-] pigs."

"Don't want any?" A team leader asked suspiciously, not knowing what kind of medicine was sold in Leng Yuan's gourd. Just now he wanted a hundred heads, but now he doesn't want any.

He couldn't help questioning: "Really, is it true that your brigade really doesn't want a single pig?"

This year, the Qingshan Brigade won the title of advanced village. Logically speaking, their village can get the most piglets.

Piggy is a good job, which brigade raises pigs, and the work points are more expensive. The Qingshan brigade gave up such a good job?

Everyone couldn't help looking at Chen Beiguo.

For a moment, Chen Beiguo didn't know what expression to show.

Could it be that he just said the wrong thing.

Didn't he let Leng Yuan snatch the pig?
How come you don't want any of them now?
Chen Beiguo pulled Leng Yuan's clothes vigorously, and spoke in a low voice.

"Leng Yuan, I want piggies."

He reminded Leng Yuan in a low voice, telling him to quickly take back what he just said.

If the county magistrate took it seriously, they would really have no piggies.

Leng Yuan couldn't explain much at this time, so he could only ignore Chen Beiguo.

Chen Beiguo: ...

Who is the captain?
His brigade captain's words are useless?

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