When Leng Yuan finished speaking, the people around looked at Chen Beiguo.

They wanted to see Chen Beiguo's attitude.

Chen Beiguo was not mentally prepared at all, so his expression was naturally not very good.

When everyone saw it, they suspected that Leng Yuan had made up his own mind, and they were speechless at the moment.

At first they thought that Leng Yuan was some kind of big shot, but now it seems that there must be something wrong with this person!

Such a good job, just pushed it out.

The county magistrate didn't understand what Leng Yuan meant for a while, so he couldn't help repeating Leng Yuan's words again.

"Your brigade really doesn't want a single pig?"

Leng Yuan nodded: "No."

"But I have a request."

Everyone was excited and wanted to hear what he thought. "

Leng Yuan said: "I don't want the quota of [-] piglets, but I want [-] piglets to be fed for half a year, and after half a year, they will be returned to other villages."

It's fine if you don't need a quota, but help them raise them for nothing?

Is there such a good thing in the world?

Everyone's heads were a little messed up by the pie for a while, and they wondered if there was something wrong with their ears.

They must have heard it wrong. Others raise pigs for them, and they don’t want a penny, but return them. Then they take the raised pigs and sell them for money. Is this the case?

However, some people understood that Leng Yuan was the piggy who wanted these pigs.

But this account can't be calculated that way.

Even if there are no sows but piglets, how many piglets can there be in half a year?
And how much feed do you feed so many pigs?
At that time, we will have to raise piglets, big and small, and how much feed will be needed.

They raise pigs to make money, let alone make money by Leng Yuan's method, the Qingshan Brigade is not enough for him to pay.

Don't say everyone is stupid, Chen Beiguo himself is stupid.

The county magistrate quickly came to his senses.

He didn't have much contact with Leng Yuan, but he knew that Leng Yuan's uncle was a capable person, could it be that his uncle had something to do.

But no matter how you look at it, the practice of raising pigs for half a year in vain seems very stupid.

Village head Xu and the accountant were still dumbfounded, and they didn't come to their senses at all.

In the end, the county magistrate took a look at Chen Beiguo, and Chen Beiguo took a look at Leng Yuan.

Leng Yuan gave him a reassuring look, and spoke in a low voice.

"Believe me."

For a moment, Chen Beiguo felt uneasy.

But he knew Leng Yuan's character, so he wouldn't joke about it at all, probably there was a way.

He nodded in a very heartbroken way.

The county magistrate has a lot and asked everyone.

"What's your opinion?"

Of course not.

Everyone agrees.

Someone is raising them for them, why not do it, they are prostitutes for nothing!

There is nothing better in the world than prostitution.

However, how to divide the [-] pigs requires a charter.

While everyone was desperately trying to grab the piglets, the Qingshan brigade didn't look at it and was quite quiet.

Chen Beiguo also took the opportunity to speak.

"Leng Yuan, do you have any other options?"

Village head Xu and the accountant also turned their heads at this moment, looking at Leng Yuan with piercing eyes.

At this time, if Leng Yuan said there was no way, they would all want to die.

After looking forward to it for several years and catching up on production for several years, it was their turn in the Qingshan Brigade to grab the quota for raising piglets. Leng Yuan said that there were no more piglets, and he wanted to help others raise piglets.

If he said everything, they would not be able to explain it to the villagers when they went back.

Leng Yuan said in a low voice: "Don't worry, the brigade will definitely not lose money, but it's hard to tell the details here, we'll talk about it when we go back."

When Leng Yuan said this, several people could only resist the impulse in their hearts and stop asking.

While several people were discussing, Piggy's side was also confirmed.

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