Three hundred pigs were divided.

In the end, more than a dozen villages collected [-] piglets according to the proportion and gave them to Leng Yuan.

For them, having someone to help feed the pigs is purely a matter for them to take advantage of, so there is nothing they would like to do.

It's cheap, and everyone doesn't want to take it.

Li Dashan gave birth to twenty piglets.

He originally wanted to make friends with Leng Yuan, but Leng Yuan's operation today made him murmur in his heart.

Could it be that the matter about the thresher made Leng Yuan flustered, that's why he did such an inconsequential thing?

He has been the team leader for so many years, Leng Yuan helped others raise pigs, he calculated and calculated, but in the end he couldn't figure out where he could take advantage.

No matter how you look at it, others are taking advantage of it.

They Lijiawan gave the most pigs and took the most advantage.

He was a little embarrassed.

For eighty pigs, there is a lot of feed for half a year.

At this time, it's not that we don't have pigs for everyone to raise, but that the feed is limited, and the pigs are expensive, so we have to take good care of them, and we have to grow a part of the food for them to eat.

At this time, the food is not enough to eat, and if the pigs eat some more, there will naturally be many restrictions.

It's just that Chen Beiguo agreed, so he didn't have much to say.

After all, this is not Li Jiawan's business.

What he can do is to wait until the Qingshan Brigade really can't afford to pay, and their brigade will supply them with some food, and it will be regarded as pig feed.

In this way, they still take advantage of it, and manpower is needed to take care of the pigs!

This is still cheap.

Thinking about it this way, Li Dashan shook his head and sighed, thinking that the Qingshan Brigade was going to die.

After everyone discussed the distribution situation, everyone danced happily.

Only on the side of the Qingshan Brigade, everyone was sullen and could not see any joy.

One side is happy, the other side is sad, but it forms a sharp contrast.

Chen Beiguo and the others didn't know what Leng Yuan could do. Anyway, they heard that they would lose money in this deal.

At that time, I am afraid that the pants of the entire Qingshan Brigade will be lost, and they will become a joke of others.

Fortunately, a few people stood up.

On the surface, the hidden ninja did not show up.

But everyone's heart is like a cat scratching in their hearts.

Very torturous.

Of the four people, only Leng Yuan remained calm, his gaze remained unchanged from beginning to end.

Some people are afraid that the Qingshan Brigade will renege on their debts at that time, so they suggest that all the contents be written in the agreement, and everyone will put their fingerprints on it when the time comes.

To be honest, they were afraid that the Qingshan brigade would not return the pigs to them.

Chen Beiguo glanced at Leng Yuan again.

His eyes were full of hope.

If Leng Yuan refuses now, there is still room for redemption.

Once the contract is signed, everything is too late.

Seeing Chen Beiguo like this, the captains of other villages couldn't help but tease him.

"Chen Beiguo, whether you are the captain or Leng Yuan is the captain, why are you not as happy as Comrade Leng? You don't regret it!"

When everyone heard the words, they booed one after another.

"Oh! It would be a shame to repent."

Everyone is taking advantage of nothing, so naturally they are fearless, and they have used all the aggressive methods at the moment.

Leng Yuan remained expressionless and said nothing.

Chen Beiguo gritted his teeth and spoke loudly.

"Sign it and sign it, whoever dares is the grandson."

When everyone heard the news, they hurriedly wrote the contract by hand.

The general meaning is that the pigs lent by several brigades to the Qingshan Brigade are all clearly written, and it is clearly stated that they are lent to the people of the Qingshan Brigade to feed them. Within half a year, the pigs from the Qingshan Brigade can be returned to the piglets at will. If they haven't given it after that, they have the right to go to the Qingshan Brigade to ask for it.

When signing, Chen Beiguo's hands shook unbearably.

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