Chapter 48 Another way

Leng Yuan put down the cart and took the initiative to walk to Gu Jiaojiao's side.

"what happened?"

Gu Jiaojiao had been staring at her just now, her big eyes seemed to be able to speak, Leng Yuan knew that Gu Jiaojiao had something to do, so she put down the cart and came over to inquire immediately.

"Leng Yuan, I just thought of a way to get rid of peanuts, it's like this..."

Gu Jiaojiao murmured a few words in Leng Yuan's ear, made gestures, and then looked at him uncertainly.

"I've seen others use it like this, and it looks like this, but I don't know how to make it. Can you make it?"

Gu Jiaojiao doesn't have much confidence, she really hasn't used this before, and she is worried that the description is not accurate.

"Jiaojiao, you describe it very well."

Even if it hasn't been made yet, Leng Yuan already has a general idea of ​​what it looks like, and Gu Jiaojiao even described the details.

At this moment, the man's eyes were astonishingly bright. When Gu Jiaojiao described these things, her whole body seemed to glow, and the delicate smile on her face became more and more charming.

He thinks that Gu Jiaojiao is a big treasure who always has weird ideas.

This idea was also thought of by Gu Jiaojiao.

He didn't say anything, but asked Chen Jianshe to go to the house and get two bamboos.

Chen Jianshe was confused, bamboo?
What do you need bamboo for at this time?
Although Chen Jianshe was puzzled, he still went to get it.

Bamboo comes from the mountains, and every household has it.

At this time, not everyone has the money to buy tea mugs, but they also need to drink water, so they cut bamboo to hold water. Sometimes when the field is busy, they can’t go back at noon, and they always bring rice in bamboo tubes. have.

Chen Jianshe carried one over, and Leng Yuan directly took the sickle and cut it into a height of three knots, first knocked it into the ground beside it, and fixed it.

Then split it from the middle, cut off two-thirds of one side, sandwich a bamboo strip in the middle, and then fix it with iron wire.

Chen Jianshe didn't understand at first.

I saw Leng Yuan throwing up a handful of peanuts, then holding the bamboo with both hands, using the strength of the bamboo to clamp the peanuts, and then pulling hard, the peanuts all fell off.

This operation stunned Chen Jianshe.

After reacting, I couldn't help but cheered.

"Brother Leng, my sister-in-law is too powerful, this will save a lot of trouble than we did just now."

Just use bamboo to pull it off, but if you use a wooden board, you need to beat it at least four or five times, and it may not be clean.

Chen Jianshe's cheers attracted the attention of the villagers. When everyone saw Leng Yuan's quick movements and looked at Gu Jiaojiao, they were even more shocked.

How did Gu Zhiqing's head grow, how could he come up with such an idea, they didn't even think of it after using bamboo for so many years.

The team leader was also pulled over by someone, but before anyone arrived, the voice came over.

"What's going on? I heard that Gu Zhiqing came up with a good idea to take off peanuts again?"

There was indescribable excitement and excitement in this voice.

Everyone was speechless.

Captain, your voice is a little more excited, we can all hear your laughter.

As the captain's voice fell, others also came to the front.

When seeing Leng Yuan knocking peanuts neatly, he couldn't help turning around in surprise.

In the end, I was even more surprised.

"That's great, it's great, why didn't I think of it!"

He has been in the village for more than 30 years, but he doesn't even know such a simple method.

No wonder he didn't study well when he was a child.

After mourning and complaining for a while, I hurriedly turned around and told everyone.

"Whoever has bamboo, hurry up and bring it. If you have these things, you don't have to worry about peanuts."

Originally, the planks were limited, only a few people used them, and some people brought their own benches to use them, but it was still not enough. With Gu Jiaojiao's artifact, everyone can use it, the speed is fast, and the production is simple.

The captain was so excited that he didn't know what to say.

"Gu Zhiqing, you are really good. You have done a great job for our brigade. I will give you an extra month of centimeters."

(End of this chapter)

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